I don’t think I’ll have nearly enough time to play full games and do ratings/reviews, so instead (blatantly ripping off of Max’s reviews) I’ll just analyze the titles and the tags of each game.
There will not be spoilers other than what you can find on the IFComp page (the title and tags, obviously, plus occasionally the blurb and cover art).
The edit count used to show how many games I’ve done, but it got a little messed up, so now it’s just a rough estimate.
- 198BREW: The Age of Orpheus by DWaM: Ancient Greek coffee-making robot in the future-past can’t make coffee so they explore the world for three times as long as the main questline while also maybe doing fancy graphics things
- An Account of Your Visit to the Enchanted House & What You Found There by Mandy Benanav: anime title with mysterious ampersand and fanfiction tag
- The Apothecary’s Assistant by Allyson Gray: blunt title, blunt tags, strange note, quotidian quest
- Awakened Deeply by R. A. Cooper: eye-opening
- Bad Beer by Vivienne Dunstan: drunk ghost done with life
- The Bat by Chandler Groover:
bat butlerbatler helps alt-verse Batman for a very long time - Big Fish by Binggang Zhuo: big fish + Venice = no more UNESCO World Heritage Site
- Birding in Pope Lick Park by Eric Lathrop: pretty literal unless you’re bricking a pond like pip
- Breakfast in the Dolomites: A play just for fun comedy by Roberto Ceccarelli: couples’ therapy in the mountains with an interesting subtitle
- Bureau of Strange Happenings by Phil Riley: Bureau of Strange and Concrete Happenings (BOSCH)
- Campfire: Enjoy some time away in nature by loreKin: enjoy nature…or else
- Civil Service by Helen L Liston: simple government job has a dynamic and mysterious twist
- The Curse: Cronoboy’s adventures by Rob: contrasting title and contrasting tag
- A Death in Hyperspace by Stewart C. Baker et al.: time travel and little robot buddies
- Deliquescence by Not-Only But-Also Riley: absorbing precipitation to die while others form a precipitate
- The Den by Ben Jackson: Biblical Ben and a Father playing Mother Hen
- The Deserter by MemoryCanyon: deserter contemplates dessert
- Doctor Who and the Dalek Super-Brain by jkj yuio: fancy screens and fax machines
- The Dragon of Silverton Mine by Vukasin Davic: keep mining—dragons are rare, but quotas aren’t—eyes on the prize, not the beast—just because the dragon sleeps doesn’t mean you can too
- A Dream Of Silence: Act 3 by Abigail Corfman: based on BD3 that is based on D&D, starring lots of warnings and a ghost that won’t die
- Dust by IkeC: the rough-and-tumble frontier an’ a heap more extras than I can wrangle
- Eikas: a community kitchen by Lauren O’Donoghue: learned about a new system of philosophy
- A few hours later in the day of The Egocentric by Ola Hansson: Wats(going)on
- Final Call by doq and Emily S: parties and zombies oh my
- First Contact by dott. Piergiorgio: kissing and births in the midst of a war
- Focal Shift by Fred Snyder: hacker-photographer-spy-detective
- Forbidden Lore by Alex Crossley: dark-magically possessive mimic book of fantasy
- Forsaken Denizen by C.E.J. Pacian: someone does something bad and runs away to somewhere. Also screw that little black speck
- The Garbage of the Future by AM Ruf: desolate dystopia || dead phone || dangerous artifact
- Hebe by Marina Diagourta: Greek goddess either saves the world or requires saving
- Hildy by J. Michael: happy, helpful Hildy is hexed. Often.
- House of Wolves by Shruti Deo: the wolves look at you with hunger in their eyes
- Imprimatura by Elizabeth Ballou: past memories, present paintings, future possibilities
- The Killings in Wasacona by Steve Kollmansberger: murder mystery that may not be a murder at all
- KING OF XANADU: And what a lovely place. by MACHINES UNDERNEATH: the inner workings are breaking down but who cares about the machinery
- LATEX, LEATHER, LIPSTICK, LOVE, LUST: SEXTUPLE L by THE BODY & THE BLOOD: sex plus a sextuple of five things
- The Lost Artist: Prologue by Alejandro Ruiz del Sol: amnesiac artist is absent whilst alive in their own abode
- The Master’s Lair: a kind of escape game by Stefan Hoffman: mad dash from the mad scientist
- The Maze Gallery by Cryptic Conservatory: similar-yet-different title and author plus a superb description
- Metallic Red by Riaz Moola: many reds but probably an old one
- Miss Duckworthy’s School for Magic-Infested Young People by Felicity_Banks: the innocent may not be
- Miss Gosling’s Last Case by Daniel M. Stelzer: does the (seltzer) water get him her inst(d)ead?
- Quest for the Teacup of Minor Sentimental Value by Damon L. Wakes: and he doth appear
- Redjackets by Anna C. Webster: Pantone 448 Coat
- Return to Claymorgue’s Castle by Claudio Daffra: completely safe with no death, no sirree
- ROD MCSHLONG GETS PUNCHED IN THE DONG by Hubert Janus: exactly what it sounds like
- The Saltcast Adventure by Beth Carpenter: killing creatures and cubs in caves 'cause the crown claims you can
- The Shyler Project: Meet the latest advancement in AI technology! by Naomi Norbez (call me Bez, e/he): look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now! Life has just begun but now I’ve gone and thrown it all away
- Sidekick by Charles Moore: wats(up with you, s)on(?) (AKA another Watson pun)
- String Theory by W Pzinski: knots of ups and downs
- Traffic: An adventure at five miles an hour by D. S. Yu: you get really excited when you move five feet forward
- The Triskelion Affair by Clyde Falsoon: spiraling and spiraling and spiraling
- Turn Right by Dee Cooke: when the cars keep coming
- Under the Cognomen of Edgar Allan Poe by Jim Nelson: great murder mystery or just onomastics
- Uninteractive Fiction by Leah Thargic: you liar