Studying titles and tags and making up plots

Dust by IkeC

Western • Two hours • Parser-based • Glulx • Download includes additional content

“Dust” suggests the sandy deserts typical of a Western. With very little to go off of, even including the blurb and cover art, I’m going to assume this is your typical gun-slingin’ horse-ridin’ that-side-o’-th’-law cowboy western.

The additional content can be found in the Play Online section as well, and is quite possibly the most additional content I’ve seen in a game, although I admittedly haven’t looked at every game to see what they had. Along with the game itself, you get:

  • hints (Invisiclues-style)
  • walkthrough (list of actions)
  • map
  • flowchart of puzzles and dialogue
  • read-only transcript
  • a previous version of the game(?)

Most games usually only have a walkthrough, maybe hints if you’re lucky, maybe a map if you’re luckier, so either this is very helpful or overkill depending on your perspective (I think it’s a little overkill, but it could be useful to somebody).

TLDR: the rough-and-tumble frontier an’ a heap more extras than I can wrangle