Studying titles and tags and making up plots

Eikas: a community kitchen by Lauren O’Donoghue

Community Kitchen Simulator/RPG • Two hours • Choice-based • Twine

Both the subtitle and the tags say that this is a game set in a community kitchen. The title is named after the monthly social gathering of Epicureanism, a system of philosophy based on the teachings of the Greek materialist Epicurus. Epicureans believe:

  • Pleasure is the highest good, but this means minimizing pain and achieving tranquility (ataraxia), not hedonistic indulgence
  • The soul is mortal and there is no afterlife, so one should not fear death
  • The gods exist but do not interfere in human affairs, so one should not fear the gods
  • Desires should be limited to only what is natural and necessary for happiness and health
  • Friendship and a simple life within a community of like-minded individuals is the path to the greatest happiness

It seems to be a cute little simulator, but two hours is a bit long for just a cozy sim. Maybe it’s something similar to Stardew Valley in that there’s the main activity of the kitchen (farm) but then there’s other stuff to do as well (villagers, quests). Stardew Valley has a surprising amount of content for being primarily a farming and (PG) relationship simulator, including spirits, festivals, combat, and plotlines. Maybe Eikas is similarly multi-faceted, which would explain its length.

TLDR: learned about a new system of philosophy