Studying titles and tags and making up plots

The Deserter by MemoryCanyon

Content warning: While there is not graphic depictions of violence, this is a story about war and some of the content could be emotionally triggering for some readers. The is a work of fiction and any similarities to real persons or events are purely coincidental.
Adventure - War • Longer than two hours • Choice-based • Ink

Another title with a likely-unintentional relationship to the author name. A deserter leaves until what they deserted is nothing but a memory. And deserts and canyons are…similar enough.

The content warning doubles as a fictitious persons disclaimer, which I haven’t seen yet in a game. The game is also based on war, with both the content warning and the tags mentioning this. So the deserter probably deserted their…squadron? regiment? battalion? I don’t know the military terms, sorry.

Why desert, though? Desertion does imply insubordination, which means that the C.O. did something that the deserter didn’t appreciate. Maybe it was a buildup of many little things that eventually caused the deserter to leave. But it is hard to leave the middle of an active warzone. Leaving is probably a feat in itself, along with gathering the resources to do so. The game might revolve around either preparing to leave or the trek of leaving. But the leaving part itself is arduous, and doesn’t make a very good choice game, unless it’s walking until you encounter something, like a village, and deciding whether you go into the bakery for food or keep walking.

TLDR: deserter contemplates dessert