Which body parts, and why?

Pretty sure we’re talking about “cajones” here, right? :slight_smile:

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Nope, it’s “cojones”: shogun/globals.zil at develop · the-infocom-files/shogun · GitHub

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I stand corrected, and just learned something very valuable…

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One cool thing about Spanish is if you can pronounce a word correctly, you can probably spell it and vice-versa since there are almost no odd variations in how specific letters and combinations are pronounced. (Unlike English’s vast number of seemingly arbitrary spelling and pronunciation rules.)

Muh high school Spanish coming into play...

Americans who use the word ‘cojones’ in speech likely have never seen it spelled and most likely have only heard it pronounced by other Americans - it’s a loan-term likely adopted by Texan-ish cowboy types who learned it residing close to the border, so it probably sounds like “Cah-hoe-naysz” drawn out in 'Murican (with a drawl and usually over-emphasizing the diphthongs since it’s often employed sarcastically) which makes it sound like it’d be spelled with an A. The word is much shorter and clipped when correctly pronounced: “Co-ho-nehs” per the spelling.


I’m pretty sure all the guys I heard using that word pronounced it “cajones”… and I can actually read a pretty decent amount of Spanish with comprehension, but I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that word in print. But I’m definitely tasting my foot for saying anything about it…


It’s called a “uvula.”

Intentional Digression Department: My brother once looked for this word by entering the words “throat punching bag” (a reference to certain beloved Saturday morning cartoons) as a search term in Google.

And (sure enough!) Google found it for him :open_mouth: …though he would have done just as well asking me!


I want to play a game (non-AIF) where LICK PHILTRUM is a necessary action without which the game is unwinnable.


No, that’s that annoying trumpet-y thing that became popular with soccer fans a couple years back, I’m pretty sure.


I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what you are referring to, or even whether you are jesting or serious.

If you ARE serious… well, there’s no need to take my word without question. Just copy my word and paste it into your favorite dictionary program.

Or, failing that, paste it (quoted) into Google, prepended with the word “define.” As in:

define “uvula”

Hope this helps.

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It’s a game; you say “no I think that’s …” and give the definition for a similar-sounding word, in this case vuvuzela.


I think they’re playfully referring to the vuvuzela and this one silly joke of defining wrong but similar words in an ongoing chain, mostly seen it on Reddit and Tumblr.


You mean that South American country that was liberated from Spanish control by Simón Bolívar in the early 19th century? You should really use capital letters for Geographic Names.


Ooo! My family plays that all the time – only, we thought the game was peculiar to ourselves!!!

(Ahem: what’s a vuvuzela? I’ve never heard the word in my life, and I’m 64!)


Dude, that bad. Very bad. Surely you can do better than that!

(For that matter, I can do better than that! Now let me see… Hmmm. Venezuela – wasn’t that a musical composition by Georges Bizet…?)


Well, unless you’re a football (soccer) fan… they’re a (usually single-note) molded-plastic horn, which came to the world’s attention in a big way back in 2010 (?) when South Africa was hosting the World Cup, because people there apparently blow them at football matches: Vuvuzela - Wikipedia


No, you’re thinking of a Victrola. Venezuela is a type of illness you can contract if you don’t get a yearly shot for it.

Forgive me my sins! At least we’re not playing Mornington Crescent! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I just want to remind everyone that you just lost The Game .

And so did I.


Joke’s on you, I read XKCD.

Anyway, back to the original topic: You’ll notice in the opening post I listed a tail. What would you do if your player character is not human?




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Never heard of Mornington Crescent, so that’s O.K.

As for your sins… Absolvo. Vade in pace.*

Although, if your likening of Venezuela to an illness refers to what I think it does, you’re getting worse and worse all the time!

*(That’s Latin. Translation: “I forgive. Go in peace.”)

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