Hi all,
If you haven’t seed on the Forum yet, Pinkunz was in a pretty bad car accident last month. He was in the hospital for about three weeks, recovering from two major surgeries on his leg (which he won’t be able to move for a while still). He is currently back home, doing rehab. You can find the whole step-by-step info on this thread:
With Pinkunz/Dan back home, him and Heather are starting to get things back on track, and they would like to ask for a bit more help with figuring out a more permanent transportation option, as Heather’s job requires it and their previous vehicle is unsalvageable. It has become a pressing matter.
CW! Pic of the car after accident.
The Used Car market sucks right now, with little options because of a tight market where they are (anything with less than 100k miles is over $6-7k). Neither of them is a mechanic or knows enough about cars to feel confident about what to get, and they don’t know anyone locally who they could trust. So they’re going in pretty blind.
Because of his current state, Pinkunz is not able to go with Heather to look for cars, and she has a limited ability to look for a vehicle (job - not a lot of people to ask to take her to see the cars). Some important info: Heather cannot drive stick (manual) and they can’t drive very large vehicle (petrol hogs, also scary to handle).
They have essentially 2 options:
- get a $1-2.000 car with serious issues and use the res of the budget to fix it (unknown cost)
- or find something around $3.500, with nothing left for repairs.
Notes: the financing route is not possible, since their credit is not great nor could it work with their current expenses (only Heather has a job).
The rest of the money donated is going towards expenses (rent and such). Since the goal of the GoFundMe is met, Pinkunz is able to have access to the funds. So any further donation will be able to reach him too!
Since decision making is really scary, and they have very little room for errors, they would like to get some feedback from the community to see if stuff they find is a good deal or not, discard the obvious bad choices, and increase their change of success.