How could you do this to me! You know it is as addicting as ment… First I got Castle of Flesh. Then I got Leather Keep. But surely nothing trumps Walled City of Beef. Anyway, here are my too many cents:
Dracula Episode 2: Mathemagical Adventure
It’s actually the Count, but they hope nobody will notice the difference.
Titanic: New Year
Sometimes a message of hope just doesn’t ring true.
Rape, Back
A summary of the 2012 GOP senate campaign.
Tightest Cave
Let’s hope this game is about a dangerous form of spelunking.
Nostradamus’s Deeds
Did he put his money where his mouth was?
The President, Stowaway
An incredible journey from Kenya across the Atlantic!
The Broken Neverending Story
It got stuck and now it’s just repeating itself.
The Marvelous Glorious Revolutionary Text Adventure Game
(I like how you would never guess where the break between the two game names is, if you didn’t know the names of the games already.)
Donkey Joystick
Even mister Makane might want to give this one a pass.
Pyramid Consumer Guide
You’ll need one, because, you know, how?
Chicks Dig Six
Everybody digs Six!
Blizzard Fiction
“And after Aiur had been desecrated, the remnant of the Protoss race scattered across the galaxy to escape from the raging Zerg…”
Ted Paladin And The Case Of The Abandoned Monsters
They were tied to a tree in the forest after they complained about being tied to the roof of the car.
Disenchanted Tester
Perhaps it wasn’t the game’s fault. Perhaps his expectations were just too high.
The Hentai of Our Wombats is Missing
They really liked that furry stuff, and without it…
The Case of Limp
… yeah, exactly, that.
The Adventures of Alice who Went Through the Looking-Glass and Came Back Though Not the Ultimate Weapon
Which unfortunately meant she couldn’t stop the alien invasion that commenced just after she returned.
Monty Python & Holy Brimstone
I’d go for the holy brimstone alone. Add Python, and you’ve got a sure winner.
The Tower of Identity
“It’s actually the tower of the law of identity, and it can never be destroyed.”
“No? What happens if I blow it up with a nuclear bomb?”
“It wouldn’t be it.”
Pass the Senator’s Chambers
Without listening at the door, please. They’re performing a theological experiment.
Dungeon @
ASCII roguelikes brought down to their very essence.
Identity is Nigh
The world spirit has almost reached full self-conscience!