Yep that was what I was trying to do. I haven’t downloaded an interpreter and have always just played games online. Thanks I will try that!
Haha yeah I picked that from the Poem of the Day
On Mac I can drag and drop files and screenshots directly into the message, or you can click the “upload” button in your message edit window.
The only thing that would prevent upload is a weird or risky file format that we don’t allow (.exe .doc) incredibly large files, or if you’re a new user who hasn’t gained trust to upload yet.
What Amanda and Aster are doing is pasting a link that one-boxes automatically. If I paste a link to a website on its own line, Discourse tries to make it pretty like this:
If it’s YouTube, it tries to make it into an instant play window.
MickeyJo here is talking about how to review theater, but his comments on constructive criticism also broadly apply to reviewing games.
You can’t play games other than your own in the Inform program. You need to download an interpreter to play a lot of IF. Most of the modern stuff is playable online, but it’s always handy to have an interpreter. I use Spatterlight and love it, but there are tons of others. Here’s a thread with a lot of interpreter info:
They’re all free.
Thanks so much for the responses. I downloaded Gargoyle and Lectrote, and I played both of Amanda’s games in Lectrote, and enjoyed them a lot too. And it’s good to have the lists of different interpreters to consider the options.
I also appreciate the review suggestions.
And sorry for delay in responding, I guess because I hadn’t ever posted before I got a cool-down lockout for a while after writing so many replies this morning.
Sorry late on this! but if it’s public domain I think it’s entirely up to you if and how it is acknowledged. My ectocomp entry ended up being also heavily inspired by and contains quotes from a public domain story. I’ve stated that it was heavily inspired by it on the main itch page at the bottom of the description, but I’d say that even just the coverart is going to tip most people off immediately so it doesn’t need to be a reveal at the end.
I do however also at the end of the game itself I have a little acknowledgements/info page which includes a link to the original story for those who want to go read it. Could possibly work if you wanted to showcase the original work as well without giving away too much before the game is read?
Oh wow, never knew that. Learn something every day. I guess if they wanted to not have it covered they could just put the fee so high that person B just nopes out though?
Edit- Ok it seems to be a rate not set by the artist themselves. I’m surprised we don’t see a lot more covers of famous songs than we do already then.
@HanonO, what is it with you and the physically impossible photoshops of hands? First there was that weird Alien Romulus poster you shared. Now there’s this guy, who has photoshopped an incorrectly-sized and posed hand into a physically impossible position for the purposes of sententiously wagging a finger at me. The final insult is that it may not even be his own hand.
Dangit. Joey’s onto my secret campaign of annoying him with uncanny hand photos I have specifically curated and filed to unleash upon his psyche. Aborting mission.