Couple of mysteries in the new files, if anyone reading here can help.
(Sorry this is en inglés, I know I’d be more likely to reach the right people in Spanish, but I have none.)
Mainly I’m after enough information to establish authorship and chronology, for filing purposes.
This file came with no authorship or title information. (Originally from descargas/Otros/Otros/reflejos.rar
It’s a hypertext about a commercial telepath (CN: violence/murder), consisting of a bunch of linked HTML files, timestamped Sep 16, 2004.
One clue however is <meta name="Generator" content="Hipercuentos Bancaja 1.5">
This led me to the Concurso Hipercuentos Bancaja (via this 2003 press article), a hypertext competition run at least in 2003, and I think again in 2004 (although the site text was inconsistent about that until it fell off the web in 2006 or so).
That did indeed come with a hypertext generator tool. So it seems clear that is an entry, or planned entry, into this competition (probably the 2004 event). However, the competition pages only mention the winners of the first and second events, not other entrants (and not this one). I haven’t come across any other files from in this format.
I didn’t find any metadata about this work, or competition, on a trawl through the Wayback Machine’s copies of and WikiCAAD. (I guess any hypertext/literary community was probably separate back then?)
Does anyone remember/know anything about it? Particularly, who the author was?
El Jabato for MSX
An MSX expert might be able to help with this; I don’t know the MSX myself.
The IF Archive already had a copy of El Jabato for MSX, games/msx/spanish/
. I can get that one to run fine on WebMSX (run "jabato.bas"
or run "fideo.bas"
; also useful to know that files
lists disc contents).
Another copy arrived from (currently in unprocessed/
). It’s clearly the same work, but also not trivially the same at any level; the structure of the disc image is different, as are contents of most but not all individual files. (Also different timestamps – 1992 vs 2000 – but I don’t trust the latter to be relevant.)
And I can’t get this new one to run in WebMSX at all; run "jabato1.bas"
or run "jabato2.bas"
just seems to cause a reset.
But maybe programs could be critically dependent on the model of MSX, or OS version, or some other detail that I don’t know about? Not uncommon in the 8-bit era. Or maybe there’s some other detail I’m missing.
I’d mainly like to know if it’s clearly an earlier or later version than the one we have. It would also be reassuring to know it can be made to work.
Otherwise I guess we just file it alongside the existing one as “another copy ??? idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”