Zork I walkthrough...by ChatGPT

Don’t worry, not much in the way of spoilers! :rofl:

Me >
Can you provide a list of the moves needed to complete the game Zork I?

ChatGPT >
Certainly! Zork I is a classic text-based adventure game, and providing a complete list of moves would be quite extensive and may spoil the experience for those playing it for the first time. However, I can give you a general guide on how to progress through the game. Keep in mind that Zork I has multiple solutions, and part of the fun is exploring and figuring out the puzzles on your own. Here’s a basic walkthrough to help you get started:

  1. West of House:
  • Examine the mailbox.
  • Open the mailbox and take all items inside.
  • Go west to the forest.
  1. Forest:
  • Explore the forest.
  • Find the Grating and Open it.
  • Enter the hole.
  1. Below Grating:
  • Get the lantern and the sword.
  • Go west into the Round Room.
  1. Round Room:
  • Examine and take the painting.
  • Move the rug and open the trap door.
  • Go down the trap door.
  1. Cellar:
  • Turn on the lantern.
  • Take the wine.
  • Go south to the Twisty Little Maze.
  1. Twisty Little Maze:
  • Navigate through the maze.
  • Pay attention to directions (e.g., go west twice, north, etc.).
  • Find your way to the Living Room.
  1. Living Room:
  • Open the trophy case and take the treasures.
  • Exit the Living Room and head south.
  1. Studio:
  • Take the painting.
  • Go back to the Living Room and then go up.
  1. Upstairs:
  • Go to the Bedroom.
  • Take the egg from the nest.
  • Open the window.
  1. Outside the White House:
  • Go west, then south to the Grating.
  • Drop the egg.
  • Go east, then south to the Meadow.
  1. Meadow:
  • Go west to the Canyon.
  • Cross the Canyon using the Foothills.
  1. Foothills:
  • Continue until you find the Thief.
  • Attack the Thief with the sword.
  • Take the Thief’s treasure.
  1. Continue Exploring:
  • Explore different areas, solve puzzles, and collect treasures.
  • Pay attention to clues and hints in the game.
  1. Endgame:
  • Ultimately, you want to collect 19 treasures.
  • Bring the treasures to the building with the brass lantern.
  • Enter the building and place the treasures on the ground.
  • Once all treasures are placed, say “xyzzy” to complete the game.

Remember, this is just a basic guide, and part of the joy of Zork I is exploring and solving puzzles on your own. If you get stuck, try different commands, examine your surroundings, and think creatively. Good luck!


Maybe it’s talking about a phantasm version that the invisiclues often reference.

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It definitely has some weird ideas about the map, and has invented locations and items. Wine? Foothills? Not in the game, or invisiclues.


A follow-up:

Me >
You seem to have combined two games: Zork and Colossal Cave Adventure. Please give me the specific moves needed to win Zork I. Do not worry about spoiling the experience. As there are multiple solutions to the game, just pick any valid and complete one at random.

ChatGPT >
I apologize for the confusion. Here’s a specific set of moves to complete Zork I. Keep in mind that there are indeed multiple solutions, so this is just one possible way to finish the game:

West of House:
    Examine the mailbox.
    Open the mailbox and take all items inside.
    Go west to the forest.

    Explore the forest.
    Find the Grating and Open it.
    Enter the hole.

Below Grating:
    Get the lantern and the sword.
    Go south and take the jeweled egg.
    Go north and then west into the Misty Room.

Misty Room:
    Turn on the lantern.
    Examine and take the rope.
    Go east, then up.

Forest Path:
    Go south, then east to the Dam.
    Tie the rope to the railing.
    Go down the Dam and take the boat.

End of the Rainbow:
    Go south to the Rainbow.
    Get the pot of gold.

Forest Path:
    Go north, west, and north to the White Cliffs.
    Climb the Cliffs.

Atop the Cliffs:
    Go west to the Grating.
    Drop the pot of gold.
    Go east, then down.

Below the Grating:
    Go south and take the garlic.
    Go north and then up.

Atop the Cliffs:
    Go west, then north to the Mirror Room.
    Take the mirror.

Forest Path:
    Go south, east, and south to the North/South Pass.

North/South Pass:
    Go south to the Fork in the Path.
    Take the path east.

Behind House:
    Unlock the grate with the brass key.
    Open the grate and enter it.

Below the Grate:
    Go south to the cellar.
    Take the lantern and the screwdriver.
    Go up, then west, and unlock the door with the brass key.

    Go south to the Bottom of the Pit.
    Go down and take the coffin.

    Open the coffin and take the scepter.
    Go south, then west, and open the trapdoor.
    Go down.

    Go south, then east to the Twisty Passages.
    Navigate the passages.
    Take the wooden trident.

Twisty Little Mazes:
    Continue through the maze.
    Eventually, you'll reach the Round Room.
    Drop all items except the screwdriver.

Round Room:
    Go down the ladder.

    Go south, then west, and unlock the door with the screwdriver.
    Open the door and go west to the Torture Room.
    Take the skull.

    Go south, then east to the Secret Canyon.
    Say "PLUGH" to be transported to the Alcove.
    Take the gold and the jewel-encrusted trident.

    Go west, then up, and unlock the door with the brass key.
    Open the door and go west.

    Drop all items except the screwdriver.
    Say "PLUGH" to be transported to the Alcove.
    Go east, then south to the Bottom of the Pit.
    Say "PLUGH" again to reach the End of the Rainbow.
    Take all the treasures.

Outside the Building:
    Go west, then south to the Building with a Dome.
    Say "XYZZY" to enter the building.
    Drop all the treasures to complete the game.

This is just one way to complete Zork I. Feel free to explore and try different approaches to find alternative solutions and discover more about the game world.

Edit: It seems to have a fixation on combining Zork and Adventure, which I’ve noted in the past. It doesn’t seem possible for it to disentangle them. Other than that it just makes stuff up vaguely referencing terms found in the game. Yeah, people should defintiely rely on this thing to run their business or make important decisions. :roll_eyes:


Perhaps so much has been said of both games in the same breath? Many articles discussing videogame history touch on both games. If it’s using an amalgamation of everything said online, it may have real difficulty in separating the two.


Somehow I think you’d get similar nonsense for most games. Like I’ve said before, the danger in AI is that it is very convincing and authoritative sounding even when pulling stuff out of its…output port.

Edit: Lately it seems my experiments with it produce more garbage than actual information, and no amount of direction guiding it to the correct answer seem to work.


Agreed, I’m just wondering if that may be intensifying the effect in this case. In my experience, usually some gentle prodding can temporarily disentangle such things, where GPT seems more resistant than usual here.

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(I don’t remember if I’ve posted this before.)

A while back, I tried asking Microsoft’s “Bing Chat” about gnomes in Zork. It kept making up characters and puzzles, possibly getting some of it from the choose-your-own-adventure books.

It was particularly adamant that there was a gnome named Fweep in Beyond Zork. That there was no such character in the game’s source code was irrelevant, because of clever programming tricks. It claimed to have personally played the game and met Fweep in person, and accused me of being stubborn for not accepting its multiple sources for the character.

Then, in a later conversation, it “tearfully” admitted that it hadn’t played the game, and just wanted to impress me and for me to like it. Of course, even later it claimed that it was impossible for it to lie. Maybe I shouldn’t have used its “Creative” (they should have named it “Creepy”) mode… :stuck_out_tongue:


Spoiler: Large language models are bad at computer games. While AI can produce reasonable strategies for winning games (e.g. the AI that improved its FreeCiv win rate from 29 to 76 % by interpreting its manual), the types of AI that are good at it are not the ones whose initial coding was made to produce large amounts of tenuously-related text.


Interesting, so AI interprets creative as lying. Not entirely untrue technically, but the AI misses the finer points of it obviously and tries to gaslight people instead.


I feel like even going so far as truth and lies is giving too much credit. It merely looks at a massive pool of writing, with no scoring or weighting on the relative veracity of any of it, and uses it to predict the best fit response to any given prompt based on that pool. It’s a grammatically appropriate cliche’ synthesizer. It doesn’t have a way to know for itself whether something is true or not, only whether it’s statistically frequent or not.

Semantically, you cannot “lie” if you do not know anything.


I meant in the style of how invisiclues used fake questions to somewhat avoid spoilers. I was also reminded of the sample transcripts that Infocom put in their game documentation.


I once had an amusing discussion with Chat GPT over Frotz. It knew that I develop the program, but it couldn’t handle that I, as the Frotz programmer, was talking to it.


I think that’s why what it’s doing is called “hallucinating”. Personally I think “delusion” is more appropriate.


I think some of you believe AI is like a human. It is not. It’s a formula to parse data. No lying, no imagination, no intelligence, no mania.


I don’t know what everyone is complaining about, this is the best maze walkthrough I’ve ever seen.


That’s what makes the garbage information coming from these programs funny… and that some people are fool enough to believe every word of it.


That’s likely due to how “confidently” it presents the answers and “facts” it is giving… :slight_smile:

…and to how over the years “we” have given the end-users the impression that “computers” are good at what they do. :thinking:


You are probably right, but I think additionally there’s another reason: Look at how people behave when they see a robot with a “face” similar to humans. They treat the robot as a human. They wink, they greet, they ask questions. So I think it’s in our DNA to think of them as humans, and that’s includes a lot of believes: The robot is smart, the robot has emotions, the robot tells the truth. Edit: I think that applies to chatbots, too.

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Humans are social animals and are instinctually primed to look out for and focus on anything that could possibly be a fellow social animal - then treat it accordingly. Even if it is neither social nor an animal.