What's the best Christmas movie?

  • Die Hard
  • National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
  • Gremlins
  • I am wrong
0 voters
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Muppet Christmas Carol :partying_face:


Raymond Briggs’ Father Christmas (it’s also a graphic novel but the animated film version is where it’s at for me).

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Holiday in Handcuffs

Trading Places ofc. Here in Italy is number one with millions of people watching on the tv on Christmas Eve since the Eighties. Every year.


The Nightmare Before Christmas!


Rare Exports


the green knight

Love, Actually

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I voted for Gremlins, but I just watched Violent Night which is an action-comedy with the premise that Santa is real but also a bad-ass action hero (who once was a Viking somehow?) who stumbles into a violent heist invasion movie. It’s got great dialogue and characters, and painful-looking violent fight choreography and stunts (Santa is as adept with an ice skate as he is with a sledgehammer) and is also heart warming where you cry silently at the end so nobody else will see you.

(Grown-up and gross humor, violence, and language, the violence is cringy-painful realistic pushing into over-the-top hilarious.)

My favorite LOL moment

Santa’s nonplussed attitude at what is probably not the first time he’s spent an extended period of time with someone whose head is on fire.

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Home Alone 1 or 2.

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Meet me in St. Louis

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Of the options I voted for Die Hard and indeed we have watched 1, 2 & 3.

But i’d say It’s a Wonderful Life, Scrooged, Muppet Christmas Carol, and A Christmas Carol (with Alastair Sim) are all up there.

Where is White Christmas?

I don’t know “I am wrong” and “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”.

The best xmas movie for me is “Home Alone”.

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You’ve never seen Christmas Vacation?

The “I am wrong” choice:
Any movie other than Die Hard, Gremlins, or Christmas Vacation is incorrect. :wink:

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I’d have to say: a full compilation of Homestar Runner Decemberween toons and other content, which has to be almost an hour long at this point.

But particularly “The Hot Jones Hi-Jack.”


For me, the easy answer is How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1966)

However, in recent years, I keep watching Klaus (2019) more and more. It’s excellent. (8.2 on IMDb)

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It’s been brought to my attention that The Princess Bride is nominally a Christmas movie (in the framing scenes, you can see a Santa Claus art project on the closet door and Christmas lights/snow on the house across the street). If people get to do the “well, actually” with Die Hard every year, I think TPB gets the same.

Muppet Christmas Carol, Rare Exports, and It’s a Wonderful Life are all solid choices too.


“Rare Exports” and “It’s a Wonderful Life” are my favourites, by some margin.

For anyone who hasn’t seen “Rare Exports” and doesn’t mind their festive entertainment “dark”, the original 2003 “Rare Exports, Inc.” short and its 2005 follow-up “The Official Rare Exports, Inc Safety Instructions” are also rather wonderful and are available in full on YouTube.