What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

That looks so reasonable. I always-- all the way through all school-- had this kind:

And they’re almost all right-handed. In grad school, we had the kind of desks that pull out of the armrest and flip over, and those were almost all right-handed, too. There would be one, maybe two, left-handed ones in each room.

But then again, my parents pulled me out of a preschool in the 70s because the teachers were trying to force me to use my right hand, so I suppose we’ve come a long way.


WTH… That’s such a dumb design. And you can’t reuse them for anything else… What’s the point of them? just painful for the kids? not easy to put away?..


If I had to guess, it’s to make it harder for kids to tip the whole works backward (certainly didn’t stop my peers from trying) and to make moving a chair on a tile floor a non-issue.

Honestly, I would’ve preferred these nightmares over the desks I had at university, where the chair was attached to the table by a moving arm, which was tuned by some kind of spring. Ideally, it’s supposed fold up when nobody is sitting in it, and coax the student towards the desk otherwise. Sometimes the spring was broken so the chair would fully extend when anyone sat it in, causing people to desperately claw their way back to the table, and hold on for dear life.


To drive home the point that left-handed people are the devil’s children? I mean, I get it. Everything-- from the pen at the grocery store counter to clocks to cars to scissors-- is made for right-handed people. We are taught every day that we’re second-class citizens, but you have to make this point early on if you want to really mess with people’s ability to learn well.


As a lefty, I concur: this is such a pain…
When I was a kid, we learned to write with special writing books (with guides/examples). The school only had right-handed ones (they hadn’t had a lefty in a few years somehow). My parents had to order a special left-handed one for me. OH and writing with ink pens were a nightmare…


Huh. As a lefty, I always preferred the right-handed desks for some reason. I tried the left-handed ones a few times but they never clicked for me. I always wanted my preferred hand on the open side.


I was about 18 before I finally got a pair of left-handed scissors, and I couldn’t- and still can’t-- use them. I’m so used to holding right-handed scissors upside-down in my left hand that I just couldn’t adapt. But I never got used to the desks.

I vividly remember the very first in-class essay I ever wrote, which was probably in the 4th or 5th grade. And when I was done, my hand had smeared the essay so badly that it was unreadable and I had to redo it after school. It felt like punishment.


have the same with eating (forks/knife like a righty) or using the mouse too.

Oof… yeah.


Finally went back into job training after doing two days of it and going No Actually I Hate this. Tricked my brain into going back by making my therapist tell me to do so and hopefully with a day off in the middle of the week I should be able to function better haha! All in all, productive day!!


So today I finally Slayed the Spire! I’ve won Slay the Spire many many times the regular way, but I’d never managed to beat the “secret boss” until today (I’m a pretty mediocre player and often play to give myself something to do while listening to a podcast or whatnot, so generally lack the focus to do really well). But whether through luck or finally having the self-discipline to skip like half the opportunities to add cards, I managed to pull it off!

Of course, I only managed it with one of the four classes (a fairly boring Silent poison build) so I can always try the three remaining ones if I feel like sinking more time into the game…


Sometimes it really is the silliest of things that make you feel better after a rough start to the day. I had a horrible nightmare last night- (surprisingly, not one related to the accident, but one my brain formulated specifically to torment me, apparently) but I feel a lot better after remembering some silly little Friday memes (it’s fat fuck (bear) Friday, it’s SI-5 Friday) and that even if SOMEHOW the circumstances leading up to the nightmare ever did happen, my boyfriend would make sure that it didn’t and he has experience raising up little crumbkitties anyways, so it’s all fine. I did kind of laugh at the idea of like airtagging them or something and pinging them on an iPad like babycat sonar, which was much needed.

It’s also Friday! Happy Friday. I have to travel in the rain after my morning online class, because I wasn’t willing to gamble on the early morning rush hour traffic and possibly miss this one- and I got to sleep in about forty minutes more than I normally would. That does mean I get to bring my sunshine-yellow umbrella and wear one of my My Melody hoodies though, so that’s a win. And the day ends a lot earlier on campus than it normally does for me. I already know it’s gonna be a day that wears me out, so just laundry today- tomorrow I’ll work ahead on some assignments (I normally do, since I typically anticipate having some sort of delay due to health issues, and profs are a lot more willing to work with you when you’ve shown a good faith effort) and then on Sunday it’ll be New Years and I’ll be relaxing, since I take Sundays off.


PREZEL DAY :smiley:


I’m going to play boardgames with some friends tonight, continuing our campaign playtgrough of Etherfields, which I found to be sometimes frustrating and not without issues, but overall a fun and really creative title. I’m always looking forward to those meetups.

And as far as IF-realted things go: I finally sat down and started making a sequel to one of my games. I teased that sequel, and then couldn’t find the energy to work on it for a long time, despite already having a lot of notes, and felt a bit guilty about that. But now, finally, The Return of the Skeleton and the Mouse is beginning to take shape. I started with the technical side, threw away all of the code from the previous game I had intended to use, wrote a better version of it, and added some quality of life features that were requested.

Let’s hope I’ll manage to actually finish this.


The author of one of my favorite games released last year, “The Bones of Rosalinda,” just announced they were working on a sequel!!!

[Queue the fan-girling!]

That definitely counts as one positive thing that’s happened today!


Thank you! And also, thank you, because now I’ll feel (a good sort of) pressure, which helps me focus on the project :smiley:


Yay! That is truly great news. I’d love to test when you’re ready-- I can’t wait to see what Rosalinda and Piecrust are up to this time!


I’ve discovered my boots don’t touch the ground when I’m sitting on the bench outside of my next class- so I can swing my feet and dawdle a bit waiting for the prof to arrive.


My dreams are starting to have TADS 3 code attached.

Like, I’ll see something happen in my dreams, and if I quint real hard, I can see the code that creates it, and then I can mess with it lol.

As a few of you know, my dreams are strongly based on rules and systems, as a sort of trade to limit how extreme nightmares can get (mind you, they can still get to be very hideous). So, this doesn’t mean that I’m editing everything in my dreams, now; I still have self-restraint, but it seems to make some stuff a bit more clear.

Also, it’s clear that my Spring Thing coding binges are starting to affect me, lol.


The ones we had in high school did not have the side-arm part of the table so other than having to “squat in” from the one side or the other, the surface worked for right or left-handedness.
(The ones in my school had an additional rack beneath the table for books as well as the under-seat rack. We also had some bigger ones the football players would drag between rooms sometimes for comfort.)

I think the point is they’re easier to move around since it’s half the furniture if you’re moving desks from one place to the other. And we only spent one hour in each class so we did not camp in one place for a long time.

In college we often sat in an auditorium for lecture that might have 600 theater seats with a teeny writing surface that pivoted up from the right and flipped down. It was the size of a hardback book. It was comfortable if you were there less than 2 hours.


I used to bring a folding tv dinner table to some of my longer lectures for that reason. Those little flip tables sucked.