What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

I’m currently catsitting for some friends I lived with about 10 years ago. The cat and I were on very affectionate terms when she was younger and we saw each other every day, but now she’s old and curmudgeonly and clearly doesn’t remember me so has been quite aloof/hostile with me all week.

Today she’s started letting me stroke her again, and even came and curled up with me on the sofa a couple of times! She’s famously antisocial so feel extremely honoured haha


Is it weird that I thought the twin cities were in Ohio? Granted, doing a little googling, I might have been mixing up Minneapolis and Indianapolis.

Also, is it weird that the most painful part of the two times I’ve been to the dentist in my life was the bill? Granted, the two visits were for X-rays to confirm the abscess my GP had put me on antibiotics to treat and the second was to extract the affected tooth once the antibiotics had ran their course, and despite a mild needle phobia and the drugs wearing off before I got home, numbing my gums for the extraction and the sore gums I had after the drugs wore off were a metaphorical walk in the park compared to the abscess.

Also, I’m glad sinus issues don’t affect my hearing, especially since I have absolutely terrible sinus allergies and tactile options for interfacing with a computer are both super expensive and kind of garbage. Ear infections are absolute torture though and I want to slap the idiot who thought earplug-style earbuds were a good idea upside the head with a whole fish market(I hate normal earbuds too, but those just deserve a normal fish slap, and then mostly because finding my preferred style of earphones requires sifting through a metaphorical haystack of earbuds).


There’s always a day somewhere in September when it hits me that Summer has gone and made room for Autumn. The sun’s slanting rays have subtly changed colour, there’s a refreshing chill, the air smells slightly different.

Today was this day for me. I dropped the household chores I had planned and went for a walk in the city and through the surrounding fields. And then I went to the library and read the first chapters of A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire 4).

Good day.


Saw some weeds / wild flowers today. Broad leaf plantain, chicory, Queen Anne’s lace, long stemmed clover, and ox eyed daisies! :3 Pretty, despite being pests.


@Rovarsson: I’m jealous. September has been unusually tolerable this year, but I’ll be pleasantly surprised if we get a properly cool day before December. Man, I miss the days when autumn actually felt like autumn.


I have no idea how I didn’t think of that :sweat_smile:

Husband coming home from his work trip later. It’s been nice to have a quiet house for the last few days but it’ll also be lovely to have him home for the weekend.


I always found the fear of dentists strange.

I had a lot of work done when I was young, and even at five or six years old I never had a problem with going to the dentist. My dentist always said the biggest issue they had with me was my tendency to fall asleep in the middle of a procedure. Even now I often have to work to stay awake in a dentist’s chair.

Yes, that’s weird. Some of us have been tortured endlessly by dentists and orthodontists and periodontists and surgeons since we were seven years old. The bills, and everything else, get much more painful when you start throwing multiple surgeries into the mix. My dental history is so complex that it doesn’t fit on the standard new patient form.

My anxiety has ballooned to such an extent that I get drugged and gassed now, so thankfully I can say I now have this experience too.

Positive: We are going to get pizza today. We haven’t allowed ourselves pizza in a long time, but today is the day.


SSRI withdrawal symptoms have been extremely difficult to deal with. Reading up on the symptoms and timeline have made me feel a little less, well, like I was losing my mind, so that’s helpful- especially in making adjustments so that we don’t have a repeat of unfortunately having to reset my clean streak from self harm. Engaging in self care after the fact is comforting, at least, and the blood is staunched, mostly. Food and water and soft blankets…


I had braces in my thirties. This was immediately preceded by having all my wisdom teeth out. The whole purpose was to move my teeth aside and then put an implant in a gap where an adult tooth had never come up.

Anyway, the bit that pissed me off was that one of these wisdom teeth had been in my jaw my whole life, never seen by human eye. So I wanted to see it. When I came out of general anaesthetic (I’d had three wisdom teeth out and the implant base put in my jaw) and asked after it, they said, ‘Oh, we disposed of it. We cant have blood going out into the community.’

Positive, to remain on topic: Bought 500g of Jaffas for half price. That oughta carry me to the end of this year of cinemagoing, probably beyond.



I broke my jaw in three places nearly forty years ago, and the complications arising from that over the decades have been mind-boggling. Most recent was an implant to replace a tooth that had finally given up the ghost after 35 years.

Positive: My teaching today is just giving an exam and then helping with homework. Easy peasy.


For all those worrying: the thread I made earlier is part of a game for the Anti Productivity Jam… But I didn’t realise that the content if the game is actually a really serious thing that actually happens IRL. I feel really bad about that.

On the bright side, the use of edits to convey a story sorta worked…?


Thanks for clarifying, Max. It’s good to know that you’re OK, I had reached out to Jessie about it since I ran across the posts sans context. Have fun with game making.


Thanks :frowning: I didn’t realise the implications because on paper it felt fairly silly of a story but I think I took it too far. So that wasn’t good at all…

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Well, bad news: the household has tested positive for Covid.

The silver lining is, uh, I had already been intending on taking a step back from some spaces because I do not have the bandwidth to deal with them while also struggling severely with withdrawal symptoms (the persistent dizziness, severe fatigue, and emotional lability / volatility are apparently typical) so… if I do end up as bad off as the last time I had Covid, (basically comatose for two weeks) then at least it lines up well…?


Wishing you all the strength.


(In a facetious voice) if I die, I die.

More seriously, thanks. Hopefully judging from recent nearby cases it’s more mild than earlier strains… There are quarantine options outside of the immediate household so hopefully that prevents it from spreading, but that was one grim message to receive from him.


It didn’t wreck me like the first time I got covid, but it’s certainly unpleasant. If my household are any data points, each stage lasts about a day. My parents are mostly over it already, but I’m curious to see if I clear it just as quickly.

I said this exact thing to my dad, and he really did not appreciate it lol.


I find this picture too funny to not share:


Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.