What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

My girlfriend and I have been here for almost four years now!


Finallyyyyyyyy cold enough to wear fleecy PJs to bed and to relax in the evening gloom.


I’ve been drawing a cartoon character for every letter of the alphabet. My Z post, Zelda, is (at least temporarily) the top post on the Zelda subreddit which has 2.9 million members!

This is the image:


That is very good! :slight_smile:


Shouldn’t that really be your L post? :wink:


Maybe that’s why the first lines of Breath of the Wild are “Link…Link…open your eyes” so the player doesn’t spend the entire game thinking that Link is Zelda.


It’s good to be in a place where I can sit with my thoughts and decide that no drastic options ought to be taken while under physical duress, because no good choices were ever made after changing sheets so saturated with blood they drizzled a steady stream onto the ground when handled. Head wounds bleed profusely in even typical cases.

At any rate, it’s been nice to sit with the thoughts, ponder them, and then go ahead and do something nicer like picking out a new notebook from my stash, rummage through my fountain pens to fall back in love with ones I’ve overlooked in my collection, and browse through a writer’s forum (outside of here!)


Nice :slight_smile: I know from one of my Minnesotan friends that Minnesotans usually just call 'em “the cities” so now I tend to assume people who say “the twin cities” are either outside of Minnesota or recently moved. XD


Saw two squirrels. My kid was stoked about his outfit today: it matched his bag, Minecraft is his favourite game to play, besides the Roblox obby builder thing. (He usually makes scale models of famous landmarks, or vehicles, or designs houses with furniture and such. Also lots of animal homes for his pet friends.) Matcha tea in the French Press, yum.


Today I realized I am very thankful for something.

When we get sick, our ears are not clogged and runny like our noses are.

I wake up with a runny and painful nose, but my ears work just fine.


This my new go-to pick-me-up happy thought whenever I’m having a bad day.

Thank you.


Speak for yourself. When I get a cold, I partially lose my hearing. No fun. But I’m glad for you!


Oh, oof. Do your ears get runny, or is it just the sound cutting out?

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Nothing gross. Just the sound getting more and muffled due to clogged sinuses.

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… or communicating with presumptive non-Minnesotans, is my observation. :slight_smile:


I live in St. Paul and could probably arrange something… my parents and sister are all very pro-hops, though I personally am not the biggest fan of the flavor! If you want any extra help with them, though, I could use an excuse to get out of the house for non-work reasons :slight_smile:


I love collecting vintage pieces, and so it was a no brainer on snapping up an adorable snug necklace in pearl and purple with some birthday money given to me with the strict instructions to buy something nice for myself (fountain pen ink to come later), but I’m still always a little disorientated when I find something from the 90’s marked as vintage…


I’ve been sleeping and waking up at more typical hours lately. I’ve also been drinking an ungodly amount of caffeine. (It relaxes me.)

Falling asleep like a little baby for a solid nine hours after downing two litres of coffee and 1L of matcha tea is incredibly funny to me.

(We are on our sixth refill of the day. My French press holds a litre of water. The instructions on the tea say to use 1 teaspoons per serving, but I usually drink two or three tablespoons. I put three tablespoons of matcha into my press, froth it up with hot water, and sip with milk. Yummy…)

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Got a mention on a favourite podcast (I had emailed in). That was a nice thing that made me smile when I was tired towards the end of my long run today.


While on the bus to my dentist appointment, I saw a snail who had gotten onto the road, and a kind man picked it up to bring it to safety! :snail::two_hearts: That really warmed my heart. :blush:

I’m extremely pain-averse so I’m not having a good time waiting for my cleaning, but at least I know it’ll be good for me. And they always seem to highly praise my dental hygiene, which is very reassuring. My parents give me a hard time whenever my teeth get stained in-between cleanings (my dad rather passive-aggressively included a tube of toothpaste in my Christmas presents), but if the experts think I’m doing everything right then I can ignore what anyone else thinks!