What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

What’s fall? Says a guy living somewhere that really only has two seasons, a long, hot, humid summer and short, usually mild winters where we’re lucky to get one good slush.

That said, as rare as suitable weather is and as much as I hate doing laundry, oh how I miss the convenience of a washing machine and electric clothes dryer, especially since handwashing, hand wringing, and drip drying just isn’t viable for blankets.

Although, September has been surprisingly mild so far, with I think the last day that reached 85 being in August and some days not getting out of the 70s with 83 being the forecasted high for the next week. It even got down into the 60s last night. Still too hot for my liking, but cool enough my portable AC can actually keep my room comfortable instead of just barely taking the edge off.


Also, my sympathies @Daniel. I had surgery for cubital tunnel’s better known cousin, Carpal tunnel about 6 years ago, and wouldn’t wish anything in that family of disorders on my worst enemy. Thank Charcot that it was in my non-dominant arm and that I had stopped using a mouse years earlier(I’m a lefty, but I’ve always used a computer mouse with my right hand), because the loss of grip strength and near constant pins and needles rendering my right arm unusable was more debilitating than going blind had been.


Ran the Great North Run today (world’s biggest half marathon, happens to be in my city). I run it every year but have finally become fast enough to run it with my husband, which made it even better :heart:


I first read that as “the world’s longest half marathon.” :laughing:


It certainly feels like the longest when you’re in the back pens and don’t cross the start line until about half an hour after the elite runners have finished :smiley: Thankfully I start a bit further forward these days.


Sounds like SE Texas…

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A deepsea family of Cthulean octopi only found in the depths of the Mariana trough where they play scrabble while they bide their time until the word comes that it’s time for surfacing and eradicating humanity?


Came into the office and enjoyed a new office lamp with 3000k warm-white light. Had a nice weekend with all my family, including my elder daughters who are studying in towns far away.


Feeling like the smartest cookie ever. My earbuds were fussing, but a quick factory reset on them solved the connection issues perfectly.


A proper lie-in this morning!


Saw the third chipmunk of my life legging it like crazy in the grass. He was so tiny. About a fourth of a squirrel also there.


Have had a run of encountering just the most abominably behaved and loathsome people as of late. On the bright side, it makes the pleasant company I usually keep, all that much better by comparison. Thank God you’re not like them.


I and my partner have spent several hours each of the last three afternoons harvesting hops in our backyard. We are both homebrewers, so when we closed on a house three years ago, we planted three different kinds of hops out back the first spring, then four more the spring afterwards. The third-year hops (Cascade, Saaz, and Arcadian) had an amazing year this year—Arcadian filled up a six-gallon brewing bucket on its own, and Cascade very nearly did too—and the second-year hops (Old Mission, Mount Hood, Newport, and Teamaker) were no slouches, either.

On the downside, my arms and hands are scratched all to hell—hops have sharp microfibers or something that really leave a bunch of itchy cuts. But our kitchen smells amazing, and I’m going to start dehydrating the hops for storage in the oven tonight; that will probably take a few days. We’re also going to make hopped simple syrup, put hops in tea, and find ways to incorporate hops into our big menu for November’s huge food holiday, plus of course brew some pale ales, Belgians, and maybe a barleywine or two.

Also on the upside: the hops absolutely took over our little patio this year; next year we’re going to have to use sturdier stakes and some kind of rope or twine that absolutely won’t stretch so we can keep the patio usable through the summer. But now that we’re done harvesting the hops, the patio is usable again, so we’re going to be able to grill a few times before it gets too cold.

Here’s a picture of the third-year hops already going like gangbusters and trying to take over the patio three months ago:

So if you’re near the Twin Cities and need some hops … let me know, OK?


House to myself for a few days. Going to binge-watch music videos and eat lots of ice cream.


Saw the chipmunk again, I think he must live near the trails. And also saw a cute bunny rabbit. My kid helped identify that one, I thought perhaps it was a smallish sort of ugly stray cat. My new glasses appointment can’t come fast enough…


Got called ‘best mama ever’ for the kid’s new Minecraft backpack. His old one was worn out and a backup I had is slightly too large for him, so I’m happy he loves his new one.


Midweek day off! Felt a bit guilty about taking it but it’s very much needed.


You moved to Minnesota recently? :smiley:

Today I managed to finish writing the scene I was doing for my next Twine project, and tinkered with a song mix as well. Later tonight I’ll go to open mic night. Hopefully it won’t rain, lol. Yesterday the forecast for today was rain all day, but so far it’s been two rains while I was inside and cloudy but dry otherwise.


Two life hacks are paying off for me today as I finished up my bed refresh. Pillow cases that zip length wise, and sitting in my comfy bed with my standing fan as a hair dryer- no joint pain, no heat or friction damage, and I get to be comfortable while sitting.


Filed and repainted my nails- a very cute My Melody pink.