What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

Aren’t you supposed to be the one hitting its buttons?


Hey, a community production of that is happening near me soon! I was warned to bring a poncho on account of all the fake blood involved. :joy:


Taking a few days off to visit family :heart:


If you’re near the stage and have the propensity to dress nice at a comedy Grand Guignol musical, yes bring a poncho because the actors will likely deliberately throw and spray blood at the audience.

"Evil Dead "splash zone""

This show can get wild and some have even gone so far as to install blood cannons on the lip of the stage because some audience members complained they didn’t get hit by enough blood. Usually during the chaos at the end, cast members even run around carrying cups of it to dump on people who indicate they want it. This is usually contained to the front row and like five rows behind it.

Some productions actually market “splash zone” seating and they will give you a white souvenir Evil Dead t-shirt to wear and capture all the blood you can. I’d recommend either sitting further back if you don’t want that, or just wear a plain cheap tee-shirt you don’t care about. It’s definitely a raucous show you don’t need to dress up for. Also, stage blood is usually made from pink detergent that is darkened to red and washes out easily because the cast have to recover their own costumes for the next show.


Does nobody use their thumb to hit ctrl or cmd for the XCV shortcuts? Fits more neatly under your hand.


The Bodleian Libraries shared these photos of a book in their collection:


Solution: carefully cut out the paper of the seal, read the rest, print out a new “DO NOT BREAK THIS SEAL”, and glue it to the pages. Now you get your money back and you get the ending!

Text description of Daniel's images

A aged blue book, where the final third of its pages are entirely encased in a paper wrap, preventing reader access. On the outer edge of the the wrap are the words, “DO NOT BREAK THIS SEAL”.

When the reader reaches the seal while reading, a short explanation is found, and it says:

If you can resist the desire to read what lies under this seal, to learn the identity of the murderer and to know how the book ends, return this book to your bookseller with the seal unbroken and your money will be refunded.


We should do a topic with text descriptions of all of the cover art for IFComp!


I changed my bedsheets to something lighter weight and silkier given our recent rash of super hot weather with the tornados and storms, same for my pillow cases, and, uh- I may have made my bed too comfy. I slept in until 6PM…

On the bright side, I am very well rested, and sleep helps a lot with colds.


What book is it?


Murder in the House of Commons by Mary Agnes Hamilton, it seems!


Great author bio.



“Tall, lithe, and animated, Mrs. Hamilton sweeps into a room like a breeze off the Solent. Her gestures are quick and nimble and her head moves so briskly from side to side that her earrings frequently desert their moorings and fall into her lap or onto the floor. Accomplishing more than nine men out of ten, Mrs. Hamilton takes comparatively little recreation. If she can get her hands on a victrola, she is completely happy. A hearty laugh has a prominent a place in her bag of tricks as the conviction with which she makes her points. A touch of red – whether it be in her hat, on her scarf, or merely a cluster of artificial flowers – adds a dash of warmth and friendliness to her personality. Mrs. Hamilton is not only a former Member of Parliament, biographer of Ramsay MacDonald, and a brilliant lecturer, but the author of a novel, ‘Three Against Fate,’ an acute and profoundly moving study of two men and one woman swept into a sudden crisis in war-time London. ‘Murder in the House of Commons’ is her first venture into the field of murder and mystery.”


I was planning on doing that! Reviews of all supplemental materials for the IFComp games - blurbs, cover arts, etc! (I’d also include written versions of the cover arts.)


Really pleased with past me. I knew I had an unusual amount of spoons at the time, so made spring rolls, which freeze and heat up beautifully. Came in handy today, (tonight?) where I’m shovelling cold beet salad (boiled beets from beet soup thrown lazily on top of mixed spring greens, no dressing) and them into my mouth. It’s like croutons if you squint. (They have pork, shrimp, taro root, and wood ear mushrooms serving as the stuffing.)


A ring from an old school friend (who happened to randomly get back in touch, the ring reminded her of me because I’ve loved vintage stuff for ages) came in the mail today! It’s a pretty little vintage bit of costume sparkly.

The maker’s mark puts it roughly between 1945 to the mid 1980’s ish. Reading up more on the evolution of the maker’s mark, it appears to have the version that was seen from 1947 onwards. There was a dramatic change in the mark in 1951 with the new owners, so the ring seems to have been from anytime between 1947 to 1951. From a costume jewelry production house from Providence, Rhode Island.

Judging from the introduction and commonality of diamond simulants compared to the age of the ring, the stone is most likely leaded glass / rhinestone.


Give and take. :wink:

// Aren’t you supposed to be the one hitting its buttons?


Note to self: if I ever somehow decide to make a dancer character, I’ll need to ask you for help :laughing:


I remain on holiday. Holidaying is nice. I’ve been out for a run with my husband (and my dad on his bike accompanying) and we’re having takeaway tonight. So the same kind of nice things as we do at home… but being away makes them a bit more special.


feel free!