What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

We got two big pump bottles of new shampoo and Ivory body wash today, and I’m thrilled. The pump tops make it so much easier to shower when I’m low on spoons or dealing with chronic wrist injuries.


Figured out what was causing my most recent flareup of eczema on my hands- it was my nail polish! Only the white pearl shade, though, so I’ve regretfully thrown that out. Have not had a reaction to the pink, and my hands have calmed down significantly: much less painful without the weepy blisters overtaking my fingertips.


Finally starting to feel somewhat like myself. The bruising has gone down significantly, though my torso is still a disaster- but my eyes hurt a lot less. The neck and arms are still giving me trouble, but I’ve been able to spend more time regularly out of bed without feeling like I’m going to keel over and die, so that’s awesome. Been getting a lot of sleep lately. Hopefully I can finally start to get back into the rhythm of things, it’s been forever since the 12th…


I think I’ve finally recovered from covid! I have a nasty cough still, but it seems to be mostly asthma at this point.

Just in time for IFComp!


A lovely trip out to the seaside this morning.


Recorded drums for a song. It went really good. :slight_smile:


I took a covid test today and it came back negative!

Wait, we’re not supposed to post negative things here…


But a covid test is one of those things you want to be negative… kind of like how you want a vacuum cleaner to suck and a fan to blow when sucking and blowing are usually bad things when describing a consumer product.


Our sweet Dolcie passed away yesterday. She adopted us in 2008. She was a beautiful terrier, mahogany, with white boots and a white tip on her tail. She loved everyone and everyone loved her. The vets and techs all said she smiled at them during her visits. We all thought she was a miniture greyhound when she showed up one weekend in the fall of 2008. She could run so fast she would get lost. My football player son Billy was home for his first weekend and she just came up to join our outdoor party. She stayed and became part of the family. (We tried to find the owner with no luck. She was even chipped but it was not registered.) It still hurts today and probably forever. I am already remembering all of the beautiful gestures she did for everyone she met.


Recorded guitars and bass for the song I did drums for yesterday. Now I just hope I won’t mess up the mix, lol. Still have to flesh it out with keyboards and gang vocals… and, fuck, I have to finish the lyrics XD


Once you finish the recording and publish it (if you do), if you want you can PM me the song! I’d be happy to listen to it.


Certainly! It will take a while unfortunately, because I have to make a whole album myself, and my recording process isn’t the most efficient, lol.

I assume intfiction.org doesn’t let met upload big 40+ MB .wav files in private messages, haha, but maybe I can make an .mp3 of the rough mix right now if you’re sufficiently curious :slight_smile:


Home after a lovely weekend. Already counting down to the next bit of time off! But going to enjoy a quiet evening tonight.


IFComp entries out !! 67 new IF to be enjoy… ahem, judged !

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.


Every time I go through this, I think that only an idiot gets so attached to such an ephemeral creature, and that I don’t know why I continue to be this idiot. But of course I do know why: Nothing is better than that bond. It’s so pure and lovely. When they go, it’s so lonely. Even being around other people you love isn’t the same, because loving people is not the same as loving animals. Grieve for a while and then maybe think about all the sweet doggies out there just yearning for a good loving home.

In positive news: We had a beautiful rain today, and there’s a feel of fall. A very few leaves are turning yellow and falling, and there’s an autumn feel to the breeze. So excited for a colorful autumn in NC-- we don’t really get those in central Texas. And then the weather will get gorgeous in Texas and we’ll pack up and go home.


Day 1 of mad workweek done. Ticking them off gradually all week long. Going out to run with friends this evening :heart:


I’ve gotten into the game Love and Deep Space lately, and Zayne’s my favourite. His birthday event is going on, so I joined at a great time coincidentally. Wanted to share some of the cute art I’ve collected from his special cards, (there’s a bunch, below the cut) and one of the photo booth session ones with my MC and him (which I’ll drop right now…)

His romance plot line is so sweet- he and the MC are childhood friends who reunited later in life, he became a cardiac surgeon because the MC has a heart condition that’s poorly researched as a result of having like, alien shrapnel embedded in their chest from an explosion, (it’s a science fiction game) and he’s got my favourite load out: healing and ice magic, which is my preferred character set up when I’m playing similar MMOs. Great for crowd control while I set up a bunch of rapid fire gunshots. Just, ugh, so sweet- I loved you to the point of it being my life’s calling.

He’s the “stoic and shy until you get closer, in which you realize he’s actually super warm and affectionate, just in quieter, sometimes awkward ways” kind of love interest, and it’s just adorable how he’s the only LI who is in love with the MC from the start, rather than either slowly falling in love or having immediate lust like some of the other options. He’s also playfully snarky sometimes, but in a sweet way. And he likes cute baby seals!!

Special Zayne card art.


I had a really good date today in the city with my husb and my friend I hadn’t seen since before quarantine. Also I FINALLY figured out how to make the colors on my Linux Mint version not look like butt.


Spent some time tonight playing some of the IFComp offerings and getting my votes in piecemeal. Still absolutely blown away by the gorgeousness of Kit’s entry. Here’s some I’ve played so far, in order of preference (liked most to least):

  1. Verses
  2. Winter-Over
  3. Deliquescence
  4. You Can’t Save Her
  5. Yancy At The End of The World
  7. Uninteractive Fiction

While subject to some finagling as I play more- so far, the highest score I’ve given is a 9, and the lowest, a 1.


This is a bit of a neutral one. I went splat on my long run today and gashed my knee really badly. However it’s really helping me appreciate my cosy post-run evening (and given me an excuse to take it a bit easier the rest of the week!).