What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

Yeah, I fall asleep with them on semi regularly. It helps that I typically sandwich myself between blankets and a bunch of pillows, so I remain fairly stationery, but they are also just plastic, so there’s no real risk of cutting up my face like when I briefly had metal frames. Usually they just drop off of my face and land onto the floor or into the soft stuff.

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A small family business I’ve been keeping an eye on lately finally had a gorgeous piece in stock. It’s a pendant of gem quality Canadian rhodonite, hand cut, drilled, and polished- procured directly from the family who works and owns the original claim up in the Yukon. I like buying local, as well as either going for vintage/estate sales or small time artists when I can, and it’s always extra lovely when it’s for a wicked price, too. It’s a happy birthday gift for myself, so it’ll be super exciting when it comes in!


Managed to write two pages by hand while sitting upright earlier, which was a massive win.


Catching up with some podcasts I’ve not listened to in a while.


I hope I’m not cheating by describing smth that happened yesterday but I auditioned for my first show (Pippin) since I guess 7th grade. I doubt I’ll get in cuz of severe scheduling conflicts-- it was really just to practice auditioning. I think it went well though!

as a bonus today positive thing, my boyf spent the night and all this morning we cuddled until he had to leave for work.


Please share when it arrives. :slight_smile:


Actually submitted an IFComp entry. It’s only a teeny tiny one but it’s an IFComp entry! I’ve been trying (and failing) to put one together in time every year for the last five years…


Finally had the energy to file down and repaint my nails (over two days) recently. That and a cold shower, plus clean bed linens, are all really lovely.


Did my daily drawing practice, and I feel like I’ve made progress on chest and torso proportions. (I still struggle somewhat with hands and feet. Short hair’s also proving to be oddly challenging.)


After some struggles, I realized tonight I have programmable buttons on my work keyboard, so I think I’ve finally got copy and paste (Ctrl C, Ctrl-Shift-V) mapped to keyboard and stored on the hardware so it should work through the Remote Desktop.

That doesn’t sound like much but most of my entire job involves documenting and it’s always better to copy - paste names and numbers to avoid error. I’ve learned how to touch-type chord copy/paste most of the time, but it’s like a 70% success rate, and my left pinky is not reliable, and it’s easy during heads-up intense customer service or in an email groove to lose the home row and end up hitting some obscure button combo that takes all the vowels out of your text or something stupid like that.

OH my god, if it this works it will be so nice since the programmable buttons are apart and very easy to find without looking. Having copy be a thumb press and paste be an index finger press might be a game changer. I may be so efficient that I self immolate in productivity. [quivers with anticipation] :joy:

Oh. AND I bought a new skillet with a lid. I was tired of my cheap nonstick pans mutilating sunny-side up eggs. This thing is granite surface, from Sweden and THEY INCLUDED A FULL SIZE MAGNETIC SCREWDRIVER with the box so you could screw the handle onto the pan. I trialed it by fire - after washing and drying I heated it and cracked one egg into it dry - no oil or cooking spray - and let it cook with the lid on without touching. After a few minutes when the egg set it slid across the pan perfectly and looked like it was food-styled for a magazine.

I’m very easily excited about things.


Sorry for the little rant…

I don’t like much the ^X/^C/^V combination, not only because ^X and ^C has definite “show-stopper” meaning in many contexts, but also because are too dangerously nearby (doing ^X then mistakenly pressing ^C instead of ^V instantly losing many lines to be moved…)

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.




After searching for years, I just found a Logitech G14 SE mechanical keyboard that hits all of my buttons. ;). It has low noise switches with great tactile feel. They are fully backlit and high contrast white on black which is the best thing for me and my low vision. It is full size and has the numpad and usual keys which facilitate using JAWS text reader.

It has been a long search!


I am on the recovery side of a week’s worth of COVID. My wife brought it home from school after school reopened several weeks ago. She has the foundation of Gibralter and recovered quickly. Me, not so much. I was bed ridden for several days and had trouble forcing myself up to drink much needed water and other things.

Today, I am up and functional. Still fell yucky but better! Yay!

My son Billy called yesterday morning. He woke up with it and had to call in sick to work. It’s is not as bad as 2020 but still terrible!


Ah yes, the disemvowelling option.


OMG that’s freaking awesome! I love Pippin and have been curious if regional productions are mimicking the circus atmosphere of the recent revival (for which they need gymnasts) or the standard creepy clown face/Fosse vibe where you dance with shoulders.


I don’t really mind the xcv combo(though doing them with left ctrl sounds odd to my ears as my typing classes circa the late-90s always taught me to use the opposite hand for alt, ctrl, and shift…) My main issue with modern style is with the difficulty of selecting what you want to copy/cut and making sure the insertion point is in the right place for pasting when you can’t see what’s being selected or where the insertion point is… though this has been reduced since learning about ctrl+left/right arrow to move the insertion point by word, which can be combined with shift to select/deselect by word.

Still, as much as it isn’t standard, I like that the nano text editor uses ctrl+k to cut the current line and ctrl+u to uncut the contents of the cut buffer plus has a command for cutting from the current position to the end of the file(very useful for removing cruft from web pages I save as plain text for offline reading/reference/getting a word count of a page’s content), helps that k and u are home row and upper row keys, which I understandare generally easier for the fingers to reach than bottom row keys.

Also, it feels weird to hear people needing to look at their keyboards… is touch typing not a standard part of computer classes in schools and it’s weird I was taught touch typing the moment the computer teacher noticed 10-year-old me was using hunt and peck?

Anyways, my messing around with generating images programmatically has graduated to using functions from the cmath library and being finer grain on the math than sticking to integers for everything and instead of using a gradient that goes from black to a pure hue, the latest test starts about halfway between black and pure hue, goes through pure hue, and then goes about halfway from pure hue to white(from 7F007f to FF00FF then to FF80FF)… Also posted something new to the mathematical musings section of my website recently and actually remembered to mention it on the news page. Will be making a more in-depth post about those once I find the Mathematicians thread.


I’ve been working on learning art for the last six months, and recently I’ve been recreating famous cartoon, comic and manga images.

I drew a picture from one of my middle schooler’s favorite shows, and when I showed it to him, him and his friends got excited and started clapping, so our entire (small) middle school gave my art a standing ovation, which felt really nice! I think they appreciated a teacher validating their interests more than the art itself, but I’ve never really had something like that before.


I don’t think I got called back but I auditioned cuz I love Fosse and dancing (was a classically trained dancer for 11 years)


That’s awesome. I can understand auditioning “just cuz” - I know it’s hard to get cast without being networked in the scene which requires knowing people or auditioning for them multiple times so they start recognizing you and realize you’re serious!

I was this close to coming out of self-imposed musical retirement to audition for a Halloween production of Evil Dead: the Musical - that show is stupid but also stupid fun and I’d love to be “old reliable” Jake or the “bit part” Demon - who does nothing because his overbearing girlfriend keeps interrupting him but then he finally gets turned and starts his well-earned solo - only to be shotgunned down immediately! (That performer actually does a whole lot of ensemble backup singing and puppetry work behind the scenes so it’d be awesome.)