What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

Yesterday me had very thoughtfully prepared a bottle of milk and cold brew for today me to sip at tiredly while making more coffee. A lovely little treat from past me, of a stashed HP potion.


I was weed whacking and I ran into a nest of ground wasps. I got stung three times, and that really hurts! I have three giant red welts and I feel kind of high and weird.

The positive thing is that I was wearing thick baggy sweatpants, so the FIFTEEN other wasps that tried to sting me all got their stingers stuck in the pants. You would not believe how fast you can take your pants off when you realize that many wasps are trying to sting you through them. The neighbors got an eyeful. I can’t speak to how positive an experience that was for them, but Tom was highly amused at me stripping in the pasture.


Yesterday I had a debilitatingly awful migraine that had me vomiting all night. Today I took a covid test and it came back positive. So that’s one positive thing that happened today.

In seriousness, though, today I feel mostly fine apart from a bad cough, and I’ve got a paxlovid alternative that doesn’t interfere with my other pills, so it seems like the worst is behind me. I just have to isolate for a few days now and confirm that the fever is gone.


Noticed that the kitten picture collection is now at 20.02 GB.


Oh also, this means that every game I’ve beta-tested for IFComp, I’ve done while at least mildly feverish. That’s kind of a worrying coincidence.

But hey, it means I’ve given the authors data on how someone not quite coherent might approach the game, which is good when judges have a time limit!


I sympathize. A year ago I was mowing when a group of yellowjackets came out of their hole and stung my calf several times. The welts lasted a month.


IFComp '24 entry UPLOADED.

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.


More fun with playing dressup for my character.


I kinda wish I had some program or application that’d allow me to play dress-up with my characters because drawing a nude body and then trying to figure out how layers of clothing go on top can’t be the most efficient way of doing it XD


Woke up early and so time is (mostly) on my side today.




Lil man enjoyed the way I arranged his orange slices into flowers for today’s breakfast.


Was ready to do interpreting work, and then realised today’s a bank holiday in the UK, lol. I wrote another scene for my Twine project. Script so far’s up to 25 pages and 5880 words. Next I think I’ll try doing some musical stuff…

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@Stephen, I remember there being lots of online character creators on the internet back when I had a working eye, some were tied to specific forums that used them for avatars instead of the more typical upload image method, but others were stand alone. Granted, that was over 12 years ago, Flash was an everyday part of the web and how most of them worked instead of a legacy format, and I wouldn’t even know how to go about finding a modern version assuming they didn’t all die with flash… And now I find myself wondering if there’s a modern version of the oldschool flash game websites and how they make their games in a post-flash world.

Anyways, enjoyed some pickled rotini for lunch today with pepperoni, meatballs, beans, and cheese.

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For the outfits I’ve been posting, I’ve been using shoplook, which was the main replacement for Polyvore, both of which were/are commonly used for roleplay characters and designing their outfits for events. The clothing skews quite feminine, especially the user submitted cut outs, but the transparency slider is okay and the clothes are generally pretty enough I can cobble together outfits.

For making a closer representation to your characters, you might like Picrew, which is a popular site for doll makers- basically the online version of old fashioned paper dolls. Another pretty website is Meiker. I would say that Picrew tends to have a wider variety of options, (though masculine looking makers are difficult to find generally, and skin tone diversity can be a bit of a serious issue) though some of the set dressings on Meiker are gorgeous.

Mostly people use them to make icons, though some ask for credit in bio or somewhere else highly visible. Restrictions on each maker tend to be quite obvious once loading the game.

Hope this helps!


Jessie shared this with me awhile ago, I believe- the Flashpoint Archive (https://flashpointarchive.org/) preserves old web games and animation. I actually found some of the very first dating simulator visual novels I ever played on there, which was pretty cool.


I fell asleep for like eight hours unexpectedly and did not break my glasses. Yippee!


Finally had the spoons to file down and round off my nails- I like to keep them in a blunted almond shape, generally. So much faster typing, and no more uneasy risk of either scratching myself to pieces or having one tear off. Cleaning them and re-polishing them will be… tasks for a later date, but hand-filing is the most laborious part of the process, since I’m not fool enough to try out one of those e-files and drill bits.


Also, found a little hand lantern earlier.

I’ve been watching a lot of a long run of Interloper in The Long Dark, so it was pretty funny to run across randomly.


With them on?! I’m scared of that happening, which is interesting - wouldn’t it leave a mark on your face?