What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

I think she meant a harmonica :slight_smile:


A fair assumption but nope, a harp! (everything I played was in E flat to make it easier for her, haha)


Comedian Harpo Marx making a funny face.

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My father had a car accident (no other cars involved). And he got away without even a scratch! In German we say “Glück im Unglück” (good luck in bad luck). He and I are very happy.


I made watermelon sorbet. Which you can absolutely do without an ice cream machine. The watermelon was so sweet that I didn’t add any sugar, which was the right call. So fresh and delicious.

Also, my recent quilting experiments are finally yielding some worthwhile results. Which is a relief, because that’s been some time-consuming and expensive fails.


You won’t believe it but I made a quilt (ca. 2 meters x 130 cm). As part of a rehab institution I was in a sewing group, 1 hour a week, under guidance of a tailor. It took me a year to finish it. But it was great fun to sew it and now it’s lying on my bed and I love it.


Why wouldn’t I believe it? Making a big quilt is a truly awesome thing that everybody should do. It does take a LOOOONG time to make them, but they’re so worth it. Mostly I make small painting-sized wall-hanging quilts to sell, because making big ones isn’t financially feasible. I bet you are so proud of your quilt!


Yeah, I am! :slight_smile:


Today’s long run has left me too tired to do anything else, but for once I was organised enough to plan for that - so here I am on the sofa with a chilled playlist on and random internet to browse :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Another fun-coloured pair of running shoes have run their last mile and have become another fun-coloured pair of walking shoes for my collection :green_heart:


Every random thing during the day seems to be resulting in a game idea at the moment. Whether any of them will come to anything I don’t know, but it’s nice to be feeling creative again!


Wrestled for a couple of hours with an Inform7 problem and was composing a big elaborate “help” thread because I could NOT get this thing to work, but it should work!

Just before posting my typically overcomplicated and trainwrecky question, I discovered that it’s case-sensitive and that’s why it wasn’t working. I discovered this ALL BY MYSELF. It doesn’t look very smart to have spent hours on this before figuring it out, but it feels smart and that’s a win.


Belated congratulations on finishing 1893! And thank you for the kind words about my walkthrough! That’s an old one! As for why I didn’t mention the thing you found… it’s because I never found that. You found something I didn’t. I do miss things, y’know, especially in huge games like that one!


Nah, that’s how debugging goes: almost by definition a bug is something that the computer thinks about differently than you do, and the things that are so simple that they’re beneath your notice are often the ones that take longest to find…

So many skills that go into being a good programmer are “check your assumptions at the door” things like that: it’s easy to say “did you check if it’s plugged in?” but how much work does it take to for it to become second nature to check every time in practice?


you ought not to juxtapose doors and bugs in an IF programming forum… :smiley:

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio

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The really positive thing in hindsight is that because I didn’t know what wasn’t working, I took a byzantine piece of code that would have worked if I’d known it was just a case issue, and streamlined it into a much easier, shorter, and prettier system while I tried to find the problem. I kept thinking of ways I could whack it down and hopefully locate the problem, and by the time I found the problem I had, for the first time ever in my coding history (I don’t generally care how ugly and complicated and difficult and rickety it is if it works), done something the right way.


Great night’s sleep for the first time all week.


Yesterday I started writing the prologue for my new Twine project. Today I wrote some more for it as well before taking a break to watch a movie.

I’m starting to worry 9 pages of Word is a bit long for a prologue… but as my friend says, Trails games have prologues as long as a normal game. :laughing:


Starting to feel a tiny bit better. Right now, my largest complaint is probably the fissure splitting my upper lip and the dissolved corners of my mouth in four cracks, and uh, the fact that more than half of my torso looks like the following: (color picked directly off of a photograph and more or less traced from it to more tastefully show the damage on an anatomy dummy from an autopsy sheet)

but I’m not actively languishing on death’s doorstop from allergies and I’ve had my first night without additional bites after beating the fear of God into the damn mosquito that I baited out of my room (I dented the wall, oops), plus the neighbours having to remove their horrid mosquito soup pool after the HOA got involved.

First day today without having to devour painkillers or antihistamines!! Exciting.


In a hotel in Koreatown NYC surrounded by great food.