What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

Thank you for the hint of Archive of Our Own. I used to frequent a fan fiction site many years ago.

I enjoy fan fiction. I placed my name into the invitation gueue. Hopefully it won’t be too long.


This is awful. Really awful. I flinched reading it.


Got more work done than I expected today. This means more time for fun projects tomorrow :slight_smile:


My waterbottle was still cold when I woke up- which was very soothing to hold against both black eyes I woke up with. Popped some meds to bring down the swelling. Luckily, we just did groceries, so I can hunker down and hide away from the public until this clears.


~~ Finis ~~

I just solved the endgame of 1893 !

I feel like I’ve won at IF in its entirety.


@rovarsson Nice! Did you use hints/walkthru?

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@David_Welbourn 's magnificent guide was incredibly helpful in maintaining an overview of the grand scheme of things. I solved almost all puzzles by myself, but I would have probably lost my way in amongst the bits and pieces without the guide’s bird’s-eye-view.

By the way, David, I found a tiny oversight in your guide:
There’s a teleportation device I didn’t see mentioned: In the Uxmal Ruins near the Anthropology Building there’s a ritual gate that serves as a portal to the Fine Arts Building.

Thanks so much for the comprehensive guide, the timetables, the clearly delineated chapters. It all helped me tremendously in keeping it all ordered in my head while I was fiddling with the smaller knobs and buttons. Just knowing that I could fall back on your work in time of need often gave me the trust and peace of mind to power through by myself.


I baked the most delicious cheese puffs with lots of fresh parmesan and pecorino, and plenty of black pepper. They just melt in your mouth. It’s actually kind of a bad thing, because now we’re just eating all these cholesterol bombs.


This thread is making me hungry… Can’t even remember the last time I had a hamburger and it ain’t because I voluntarily gave up meat, ground beef is just too darn expensive, I’m not confident in my ability to safely cook meat, and fast food is too darn expensive even before the mark up to have it delivered.

Though, as a frequent reader of stuff on A3O, both original and fanfiction, I’m curious as to Sophia’s A3O username.


I’m not sure what the wait list would be like as it’s area dependent on volunteers (seems to mention 4 weeks typically for USA), or if this site would be accessible (though if it isn’t for you, there is an option for someone else to nominate you instead, or you could talk privately with someone to help set this up,) but there’s a free service where people will gift you a lasagna if you sign up: Request | Lasagna Love

Also, haha, I don’t make a major secret out of my account, but a lot of it is more of my teenage writing, or for obscure fandoms, so I don’t go out of my way to share.


I was gifted new Hello Kitty slippers!! They’re pink and have her cute little face embroidered on them, plus a little pink bow on top. Both pinks lean cool toned, (the lighting is just really warm), which is like, the cutest kind of pink, so I’m super pleased. No more awkward toe-walking around on the cold floor, and these’ll be extra nice in winter. They’re very comfy.


Got all of today’s outdoor stuff done before the rain arrived.


we live in a very large subdivision with lots of big trees. Hurricane Erol thinned out the herd. We have six large oaks in our backyard. I have them trimmed every spring, this one included. Luck us, Erol ripped the tops out of two of them. Fortunately, no significant damage, just one fence panel on one neighbors fence.

My regular tree service guy gouged me getting the debris from the backyard to the street.

This week we looked for a new company to take care of what is remaining of the two trees. (They are both still 75 feet plus tall)

The neighborhood mavens all recommended Lemond’s Tree Service. I gave them a call, no answer and mailbox full until late in the day. The gentleman lives in the neighborhood and game by within minutes. As soon as he stepped out of the truck, he recognized me a one of his science teachers all the way back to 2008! What a nice surprise! We talked for several minutes. He is very successful.

He is going to take care of my two trees AND give me an estimate on a yard drainage problem we been having to several years. He has cranes and bulldozers!

A semi-disaster turned into a very nice reunion! :slight_smile:


That’s a really nice surprise! And one of those that makes you feel like “the world really is a small place” - in a good way.


Hot, hot weather! A bit exhausting, but great!


Hung out with friends last night, drove into the wilderness to see the Perseids (and saw several of the brightest meteors I’ve ever seen). Then woke up this morning and we had leftovers and matcha lattes, jammed on the guitar while my bud played the harp, read in the sunlight… a lovely, peaceful day where nothing really happened and everything was perfect.


I have assembled most of the materials I need to cast my own dice for a game I made.


Soon you can say “the die has been cast”!


Just casually mentions playing a harp… :laughing:


My husband has managed to get on an earlier train home this afternoon after being away at a conference for a week. We’re going to have chippy tea tonight :heart: