What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

I was out by the sea again this morning :blue_heart:


Periodically I get some really lovely comments over on AO3, and it’s always a treat to see that someone else loved the same somewhat obscure children’s book and left something nice on my fanfic. :3


@Mewtamer Up north, where the sun shines 24/7 during the summer, all bedroom windows are tinfoiled. The reflective property also reflects the heat to keep the room cooler. Might be worth tinfoiling the plastic piece in the window or just sticking tinfoil directly to the glass. Fuck those stupid windows!

Had lunch with my parents to celebrate my 33rd birthday today.


Have been going on a YouTube binge of favourite songs from ages ago.


@stephenbig Happy birthday! I had birthday circa 2 weeks ago :slight_smile:


Indulged my sweet tooth with a bag of white baking chips yesterday… cheap ones made with palm kernel oil instead of cocoa butter, but still indulgent… and I have a second bag waiting to be devoured.


Finally figured out a personal system that works for me. Also, enjoying using my cute bunny night light. It’s soft and silicon, so it’s squishy, and doesn’t emit heat, which is nice. If I fall asleep with it on, it’s no big deal- and it charges via the same USB cable as my drawing tablet and headphones, so yippee! The white light comes in two intensities, and it’s all warm and glowy, which is easier on the eyes at night- the rainbow mode is just pretty to doze off to.


We have a new watering can, and it’s the coolest design ever. The long, skinny tapered spout makes it great for helping me reach the plants higher up on the shelf, but also the ones lowered down I’d normally have to squat to reach, but, most excitedly, is the weird cut in shape. The rounded main body part has a notch dug into it, which splits it from a circle into two half moons. You lose a little bit of volume for water, but what it allows you to do is grip it by shoving your hand into the wedge and getting better contact/a better grasp while raising it very far away from your body, so that you can brace it better on your arm, rather than leaving all of the weight onto your wrist, which normally results in me hurting myself or dropping the watering can. So cool.


Thank you! Happy birthday to you as well @Pebblerubble :slight_smile:


Not a great day overall but I did run in a beautiful place earlier, which was lovely.


I discovered that there is such a thing as Cocoa Glazed Donut Almonds. Not chocolate almonds, mind you which are also good but chocolate DONUT flavored almonds. They can’t say chocolate because it’s likely a flavoring but the almonds throw back to Hostess mini Donettes we used to eat WAAAAAA-aaaay back in the last century.


I didn’t see these, but I bet they’re good also



A package arrived with “cocoa shell infusion”. It’s powder for infusion with choco taste but without the calories. I’ve not tasted it yet, but I’m awaiting it.


Listening to some soundtracks I’ve not heard in a while.


So…baker’s cocoa? Maybe with a no-calorie sweetener?

I know that normal cocoa-dusted almonds are good without a sweetener since the almond lends subtle sweetness already.

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Prescription strength anti histamines are a godsend. I got bit by mosquitoes near my left eyes inner tear duct, and on the right inner bridge of my nose blending towards the duct, and my left eye swelled entirely shut. After bathing it in topical antihistamines for a hour, I could barely see enough to read the dosing instructions on the pills. Popped one and the relief is fantastic. The skin doesn’t feel nearly as taut, though I worry about potentially having socket bruising with the pooling blood there from the bites. My upper lip also isn’t numbed from a bite anymore with the medication, which is a big relief. One pill daily for meows…


@sophia Illnesses are a really bad thing. :frowning: Good that we live today with all the modern medicaments. Only 50 years ago most of these helpers didn’t exist.

No, baker’s cocoa is made from the beans (It’s normal cocoa powder, just without sugar). This is made from the bean shells. I think it has nearly no fat. And afaik it comes without sugar and sweetener, so I plan to add sweetener. Have not tried it yet because it’s really hot here, and I don’t want to drink anything hot.


All this talk of confection has me wondering how dry roasted cashews coated in a mix of cocoa butter and powdered sugar would taste… I’ve also wondered for a while now what a drink made of warm milk, cocoa butter, and honey would taste like… sadly, all of the mentioned ingredients are rather expensive, I don’t own any thing suitable for making powdered sugar from granulated sugar at home, and I’m nowhere near confident enough in the kitchen to melt anything made from the cocoa plant or heat milk.


The infected sternum wound is doing quite well- I am having an episode of angular cheilitis (corners of my mouth dissolving, basically) which is unfortunate, but I’m happy cause we got brioche bagels and shrimp chips among the grocery haul today. And tomorrow is burgers for dinner, yippee! The nausea from the iron supplementation has also decreased as my body has started to adjust to the increased dosage as well, which is fantastic.


When I’m feeling blue about my writing, I like to open up my AO3 account and riffle through some of my favourite fanfics I’ve written. Amused by the fact that Kepler was written to be a sad, Catholic-ish, alcoholic dad. I really do have a particular handful of tropes for meows…