What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

You’ve got talent.


My damn mouse has finally decided to kick the bucket, and he’s barely holding it together. (It seems to be a hardware failure, after much troubleshooting, and I’ve seen it coming, since it’s progressively gotten worse after several years of hard use.) Ugh. On the bright side, I’ve taken the chance to upgrade it to the newer model, which should be pleasant. It arrives soonish…


The weather was nice so I went biking (14km!!! on an electric bike) and got ice cream half-way through!


Better sleep the last couple of nights and really feeling the positive effects.


One more day left!!!

I was feeling really exhausted earlier today, and even before I noticed it a friend said I looked really tired and kept slumping my head sideways when talking, which is something I never do, so he told me I should get some rest, and soon after I started feeling the exhaustion.


Placed an order from a local artist who is also a part of the community for a little subtle pride accessory: a stone-chip bracelet, which also fulfills a longheld childhood desire for a similar bracelet, and is my first pride related item. Yippee!


An unexpected day off :slight_smile:


I got one off the “initial disappointment turns to wonderment”-shelf.

Yesterday I bought myself a birthday present: What Remains of Edith Finch. After clunkily flailing around for 45 minutes, getting lost in the woods, getting stuck in corners, bumping into furniture, and getting eaten by zombie dogs*, I quit the game wondering what all the fuss was about.

I reread a bunch of posts here on the forum about how good it was, went back and told the game “It must have been me, not you.”

So I tweaked my system, nudged up the brightness on my monitor, turned the mouse-sensitivity all the way to eleven, and brought down the screen resolution from “ultra” to “high”.

And now I’m absolutely captivated. What a wonderful experience!

* (kidding. there are no zombie dogs.)

Another good thing: I figured out most of the objectives in 1893; A World’s Fair Mystery. My next session will be about connecting the dots and trying to complete it in the five allotted in-game days.


Sorry, delayed response!
I saw the name Alaric many years ago in some obscure historical context (without becoming acquainted with the Roman-defeating part which apparently made it historical) and it stuck with me, even though I had only seen the name one time ever.
Then, shortly after coming to the IF scene in '19, I happened to see a reference to the “Alaric Blackmoon series”, and I think I was a tad disappointed to find that the name was in current usage, because I’d thought (this was before I was used to “looking things up on the 'Net”) I’d found it from such an obscure source, and was being a pioneer! Anyway, I believe @Lazzah 's game was only the second time I’d ever heard of “Alaric,” though of course since we chose the name and have talked with other people about it, now I find it cropping up here and there (and have learned that everybody else knows Alaric as a Roman-slayer).
But who knows, maybe my little manchkin is the only a-LAIR-ic around…


I missed it by… ten days, but. It’s been 3 (three) years since I published my first IF game! :partying_face:
I’m going to get myself some cake to celebrate!


my amtrak train to narrascope was 1.5 hrs late, but I was able to find a bike rack as soon as I stepped on. the conductor said I had to take my basket off and I didn’t have a multitool, but he let me borrow his. I couldn’t get the bolts off…but a kind passenger helped me do so. mixed results day!


I got bit in the face by a spider, so that’s no fun. On the bright side, it was not the like, one medically significant species in my area, which I have seen and dealt with in the burbs before, so it’s actually not as bad as it could be, even if it’s swollen a bit like a bee sting.

On the brighter bright side, I’ve gotten some game cover art done and have been pecking away at a bit of a gothic-y work for a friend’s gamejam, fingers crossed. Yay!


Had fun putting together two little looks for my TTRPG characters in anticipation of the party session we’re running tomorrow:


Beautiful day today, first bit of proper summer weather* this year :slight_smile:

*proper summer weather in this part of the world = temperature above 20°C


@anon66621404 I’m a bit confused by the second picture of accessoires: A handbag and other things seem to fit to a woman and the shoe seems to fit to a man. Not that this mixture would be something impossible nowadays! :slight_smile:

Good today:
Portugal half an hour ago won an important football (soccer) match. I wouldn’t care much because I’m not a Portuguese, but I live next to the city’s central football celebration plaza/roundabout. And the Portuguese let everyone know they won! So no quiet evening here, but I think they deserved winning, and a little bit of noise isn’t bad, so everything is fine! Let them have fun! :slight_smile:

And I’m slowly making my way through playtesting Beth’s game (can’t find her forum-username right now), and it’s fun but I’m slow and it’s story-rich. But this is a fun activity! :slight_smile:


Sometimes you must be :sparkles: fabulous :rainbow: in unexpected ways! :grin:


I mean… Handbags are also worn by men?

Clothes are clothes :woman_shrugging:


That’s what I meant when I wrote that that mixture is nothing impossible nowadays. Men can wear handbags. (I personally will avoid them as hell, I’m that kind of guy that often wears lumberjack shirts.) Men can wear gowns today. Women can wear shoes that look like men’s shoes. People can define themselves between male and female. That all is (fortunately) not a problem in many western countries. It’s still a problem in other countries, which is a shame.


I think the point is more that these silly and arbitrary distinctions are being discarded. There is nothing inherently “female” about a handbag, and nothing inherently “male” about lumberjack shirts or wingtip shoes. It’s a ridiculous quirk of society that is being dismantled, and good riddance to it.


@AmandaB I agree I was just mentioning in one sentences several explanations for the combination of shoes (which look male for me) and a handbag. One explanation I was meaning is that people can now combine clothes without limits and that clothes not neccesssarily need a gender affixed to it. Another, completely different explanation I meant is that some people don’t define themselves binary but rather something inbetween (or completely different.) Which in turn can have various reasons.

For me clothes still have a gender, but that’s for me only, I don’t put this judgement onto other people.