What are you listening to?


Putting this on as background music while poking around at writing my final Neo-Twiny entry for this year.


This is such a cool guitar sound…

Gojira - New Found


For @Draconis


I think this song is about chess or something…

Murray Head - One Night In Bangkok


New Kate Nash album came out today so that got a couple of plays.


Stumbled across this while I’m poking around at the newest version of Chapbook. It’s pretty atmospheric.


I remember when One Night In Bangkok was on the charts. I’d hear snatches of the chorus when Countdown were running through the week’s top 10, and I’d perk up and want to hear the whole thing. Frustratingly I don’t think I ever did. I think I only caught up with it in the internet age.

The weird quasi-rapping verses and the lyrics are, uh, weird for a chart-topping song. But I guess they managed to survive just coming straight from their specific context in the musical Chess.



Fun fact for anyone who isn’t aware: ‘One Night in Bangkok’ singer Murray Head is the brother of Anthony Head, who played Giles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Wow. Did not know that. For those younger folks, Anthony Head also played Rupert Mannion in Ted Lasso. But you should really watch Buffy anyway.


A 80s song (One night in Bangkok) and a singer which was important in the 80s (maybe she’s still important, I mean Kate Bush): Two mentions of the 80s - Yay!

About “One night in Bangkok”: A radio moderator once said in his show that they wanted to make a movie and then canceled it. And that the song were refering to this. The story is about a chess tournament in Bangkok. I don’t know the musical “Chess”. Maybe it’s based on that movie, maybe not. Maybe the song title was intended as a pun: Knight is spoken like night.

Also I was a big Buffy fan. Not only Buffy herself but also her geeky friend and the librarian Giles. I think I would love to be a librarian who gives advices to people, you know, being a smart-ass :rofl:! They turned the series into trash by sending Buffy in some hell or so.


Johnny Cash could tell a story like no other…

Johnny Cash - A Boy Named Sue


My mother didn’t like the song Run-around Sue for obvious reasons, and would switch it off when it came on the radio. In one such instance, my uncle was along for the ride and he cheerfully suggested this song instead. She wasn’t very amused and neither was my uncle when she promptly pulled over and kicked him out of the vehicle. We were almost back to my grandparents house, but he still walked well over a mile to get the rest of the way. No cell phones back then.


I have a I have an old 45 of "A Boy Named Sue " lying around somewhere…

I’ve been listening to some King Crimson. One of my favorites:


My sister pointed out to me recently that a lot of modern musicals whose creators have a desire for mainstream success on the charts will try to keep the lyrics of their prospective hit singles fairly generic, avoiding any references to specific details/situations from the musical, and in that context it’s kind of funny just how much “One Night in Bangkok”, one of musical theater’s greatest breakout hits of all time, doesn’t do that. Apparently, as long as it’s catchy enough, the general public is quite happy to listen to a guy who’s kind of a jerk quasi-rap about attending a chess tournament in Bangkok despite this being a weirdly specific situation they have no context for.


New Red Velvet!

Great bsides too, including this citypop one:

And a great throwback by NewJeans:


this song gets stuck in my head every so often


This album was a staple in my younger years. It’s rare for me to recommend a whole album, but if you enjoy Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, and maybe even The Offspring, I think you’ll get something out of this one. It’s pretty positive with the lyrics about recognizing value in who you are. Maybe it was ahead of its time. Here are the first and last songs of the album…

Sense Field - Overstand

Sense Field - Sight Unseen

YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXbduVMkUdm-M1Fa3sptP7WniHvQRnj_n

Spotify → https://open.spotify.com/album/3UzEVNcX21ir8zHF4koXob?si=ECxc5eaSSk6P44pSO4V2Eg


Randomly stumbled across this absolutely beautifully constructed video. The art is gorgeous.


Ethel Cain’s music is always good, but I’ve been blasting the very dreamy, atmospheric ‘Western Nights’ late at night while relaxing or writing, and it’s great to set the ambiance.