It will now also be much easier to add support for additional formats. If Gargoyle supports it, then Parchment will probably be able to as well.
There will no doubt be many bugs. One notable problem is menus in TADS 3, they are almost unusable. If you find other bugs please report them on Github.
Are there any advantages/disadvantages to using parchment for web-play over elseifplayer?
Would it be possible for web-apps like this to open and play from zip files? E.g Worlds Apart is a .gam file inside a zip file, so no online play is currently possible.
For Glulx games, especially those that take advantage of fancy Glulx features, I think Parchment has ElseIfplayer solidly beat. Compare Counterfeit Monkey in Parchment and ElseIfPlayer:
I’ve added stylehint support to the Emglken terps (Hugo and TADS), which works great for some, and makes this worse for others… obviously more work still to be done.
I have noticed that Parchment seems to automatically save now, rather than allowing me to type “save” and then drop back to an earlier save by typing “restore” (this is using it directly in my web browser) - is there a way of reverting to an earlier saved state, rather than just saving continually?
Oops! Looks like I broke the save/restore dialog in some changes I made. I’ve filed a pull request to fix this; hopefully save/restore will work again soon.