It seems that the word “postmortem” is in disfavor this year. I don’t want to go around adding the “postmortem” tag to all the post-comp author’s notes if everyone hates the word, but I still think it’s useful to have a tag for this category of posts. So would anyone really object to the “postmortem” tag being used, and if so, can we agree on another term instead?
+1 for usefulness. Tag away! If the community ever agrees on a new, common term, the moderators can presumably rename the tag or do a search-and-replace.
This stems from a discussion on the author’s forum, early during the comp, where we realized that many of us had been using the term “postmortem” in order to conform to expectations, although we didn’t like the word all that much. And in using the term, we were perpetuating those expectations. So we stopped.
The thing is, we’re still conforming to the idea of “author’s post-comp wrap-up notes”, which is a tradition that most of us do wish to perpetuate. And the idea itself has remained consistent over the years, as a category, and I don’t think any of us would mind having our post-comp thoughts lumped into that venerable category—at least, that didn’t come up during the discussion.
So, in my personal opinion, whatever term the community at large decides on (the “tag”), it would have to apply across the years. And from that perspective I think “postmortem” is still the best choice. This year we (some of the authors) decided to try some new terms, and perhaps one of them will eventually stick. But I think it would be fickle of the community to just follow our whims immediately.