Tagfest 2024: Suggested tag consolidations

“Non-binary” is generally used specifically for people who don’t identify as exclusively male or female; someone who’s 100% sure they’re a man, and 100% sure they’re attracted to other men, would be gay but not nonbinary (by the usual meanings).


Yes, agreed on this!


Did the two “multiple paths” games actually have multiple endings?

Also, was a decision made about singular vs. plural versions of tags, for example, “bird” vs. “birds”? Should the tags be merged, even if some games have only one bird and some games have more than one bird? If the tags should be merged, should the singular or plural version be used? (I mean in general, not just with the bird example.)


Ah, no, you’re right. One was Tokyo Wizard, which has 30+ endings, but the other was It can’t be true it mustn’t be true, which advertises as only one ending. I’ll restore multiple paths for that game.

Some more suggestions:

  • boat/boats
  • memory/memories
  • nautical/sailing
  • Sailor/sailors
  • school/school setting
  • sea/ocean
  • secret/secrets
  • ship/ships
  • tragedy/sad

Safer, I think, to just make sure that all of the plural-tagged games are also tagged with the singular version.

More changes:

Changed ‘apartment building’ with two spaces to ‘apartment building’ with one space for game Absturzmomente.

Changed tag ‘appleii’ to ‘Apple II’ for game The Sparkstone.

Removed ‘broken_link’ from School Dreams 3: School Dreams Forever (link is on Internet Archive now, although the hack may have affected things).

Merged ‘childrens’ with ‘children’s’ (although in total it’s still just 5 games).

Removed ‘coledge’ from I-0. Feel free to tag it with ‘college’ if anyone knows of college material in it.

Deleted ‘compasless’ from Dead Like Ants (it already has ‘compassless’).

Deleted ‘cookingsim’ from Not Another Sad Meal

Changed ‘darkfantasy’ to ‘dark fantasy’ on (Pre-Alpha) WARHEART.

Changed ‘ecphrasis’ to ‘ekphrasis’ on Lime Ergot

Deleted ‘eurpoe’ tag from Wom-Industrial Revolution (already had ‘europe’ tag).

Changed ‘fictionnal nation’ to ‘fictional nation’ for english and french versions of The Liberation.

Deleted tag “Twine” from game The room by Beastmanjim. (this game looks like it was never uploaded correctly; we rarely delete games but I’ll suggest this gets deleted).

Deleted "philome.la " from La cuarta especie and Relatos en la historia: la cuarta especie.

Deleted ‘html 5’ from Dream Tube (already has ‘html5’).

Changed ‘inform7’ to ‘inform 7’ on ‘A Quest Only For The Noble’.

5 games are tagged ‘inglish’. Is this a misspelling or some author or contributor named Inglish?

Changed 'Inklewriter' to ‘inklewriter’ on A Tragedy of Manners.

Deleted ‘kids children’ from Dragon Adventure, which also has ‘kids’ and ‘children’.

Deleted ‘labratory’ from game Raise Me Up which had tag ‘laboratory’ as well.

Based on the poll earlier by Hidnook, I’ve changed LGBT, LGBTQ, lgbtqia, lgbtqa to LGBTQ+. (only 100 something games have this tag, so I assume it’s massively undertagged).


For me, “multiple path” means “different path converging toward a single ending”. So perhaps should be separate tags…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

I looked into it before sending that to you as a correction because that is a surprising number of games for a misspelled tag to be on, but I couldn’t find anything that it might be referring to other than the games all being based on works that are English (as in from England).

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IIRC, “ingrish” (with R instead of L) means “bad english spelling in texts from Japanese”, a term often used in past, when few people cared much in translation of japanese videogames into english.
So perhaps is an interesting twist, a mispelling of a word indicating mispelling… :smiley:

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

The games in question are originally in English and seem reasonably polished, so I don’t think that’s it either.

Inglish is the name of Melbourne House/Beam Software’s natural language parser.


Sorry about that, and thank you for correcting me.


case solved, and kudos to ausgerechnet for the solution ! you surely have easily solved Melbourne house’s Sherlock ! :wink:

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio

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There’s 9 games tagged United States and 9 tagged USA, should those be merged?


It looks like “compassless” might have been the one that got deleted

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Thanks! Fixed it

Some more suggestions; apologies if any of these have already been mentioned!

  • Merge “young adult protagonist” and “teen protagonist” (two games each) with “teenage protagonist”
  • Merge “teen fiction” (one game) with “young adult”
  • Merge “old-school” (two games) with “old school”

I’m most familiar with “young adult” being used to describe people who are somewhere from 18 years old up to 30-something years old. I don’t think of it as overlapping much with the teenage (13-19 years old) crowd.

So, while it might make sense to switch some games from one to the other depending on the age of the protagonist, I don’t think I’d want to block either the “young adult protagonist” tag or the “teenage protagonist” tag from future use.