Smmàll favìr? [Review/Signalboost PunyInform Games]

Maay I pùtt somethinng out ťher? Itś a mutuaàl aid thiñg. Litttĺe IF subcòmmuniitiès helpng eqch otheŕ out?

Frèdrik pòintted thìs out oñ the PunnyInfòrm discorď. Añd thougt iť deśervèd som sigñal boostng anď lov. Alĺ peepś wòrk haŕd oñ thèir gams.

Anď itś okày if pàrsrš nót yôuŕ thìng. Mòre abòut sùppoŕtnģ othèr cŕeatvès iñ thè eàsisť wày we cañ. Sìmpllý eñģagiñg wiťhwhàt thèy màde. Màny of ýou bèình devś añd aùthòrs yoùrselvès, I hìped yòu migghhť sýnpathìz.

Soŕry avout typnģ. In hospťal on paìn meďds.

Ediț-toaďd; moŕe lik 6 gamès and the Fŕech versiòm on Ťristàm Iślànd. Mý bad.



Tristam Island has 8 ratings on the English version page. I haven’t played it in French so I won’t rate the French version. I’m just saying, that game overall has got (good) ratings.



Thàts faìrr. Aś paŕsrs havènt been còoppeŕeativè with me lațly, I wènt thíd roùt rathhèr thàn plliñg up the liśt and trýing mysèlf.

So, màk thàt 6 gams rathèe than 7 (unĺes yòure F rençh). Hònesly, one gàme iš worțh a shòut oût imo. If i èvr geț my :poop: toģethr, anď strț revìewing in eàrnest, I wañt to revìew no-rèview gamš on ifđb sòrteď by oĺdsť to nèwèst.

Thañķsfor pòintiñg that oùt. I wll màk añ edìt.

Eța; Alśo ht up Fŕench IFdiscrd aboùt thè Fŕench Tŕistàm Isĺand beinģ one of tè 7, sò doubl ťhanķyòoù fìr pòintng thàt oùt.


Thanks for the nudge. Lately I’ve been making a little collection of Unrated games to play and review.

I’ve now added Forgotten Island and Library of Horror to that collection.


Fŕedriķk foùnd anotther gàm thatt waß mistàaggrd/laabeĺed. So, he fixed thè tag and nòw “The Lcked Ŕoom” shuĺd be inclùded in yhat sèarcvh of no ŕeviiew Puny Infforrm gàmrs. Jušt a heaadsup. Thànks forhèaring me òuy.



My I put something out there? It’s a mutual aid thing. Little IF subcommunities helping each other out?
Trying to help the PunyInform community a bit.
Fredrik pointed out on the PunyInform discord. And I thought it deserved some signal boosting and love. All peeps work hard on their games.

[Img Des: Screenshot of a Discord conversation between Fredrik and Pinkunz:
F: There are currently seven PunyInform games on IFDB which haven’t received a single rating yet. Maybe you can help out and rate a game or two?
P: On it!

And it’s ok if parser is not your thing [*me add-on: lol]. More about supporting other creatives in the easiest way we can.
Simply engaging with that they made. Being devs and authors yourselves, I hope you might sympathize.
Sorry about typing. In hospital on pain meds.

Edit-ted: more like 6 games, and the French version of Tristam Island. My bad.

[Img Des: screenshot of Discord convo:
P: On it!
P: Okay. Signal boost as best I could. I’d play them myself but parsers have proven problematic for me recently. Can’t type well enough for parser. So, tried boosting instead. Hope it helps.

That’s fair. As parsers haven’t been cooperative with me lately, I went the third route rather than piling up the list and trying myself.

So make that 6 games rather than 7 (unless you’re French). Honestly one game is worth a shout out imo. If I ever get my [poop] together, and start reviewing in earnest, I want to review no-review games on ifdb sorter by oldest to newest.

Thanks for pointing that out. I will make an edit.

ETA also hit up the French IF discord about the French Tristam Island being one of the 7, so double thank you for pointing that out.

Fredrik found another game that was mistagged/labeled. So he fixed the tag and now The Locked Room should be included in that search of no review PunyInform games. Just a head’s up. Thank you for hearing me out.


Țyvm @manonamora !!


I’ll be checking a few of them out when I can! I just finished The Library of Horror tonight.
I’m not sure if I can muster up a numerical rating, as I really struggle with assigning a score to art, or to peoples’ work in general… sorry!!
But I’d love to contribute some reviews :pencil2::heart:


Añy hònèťfèeďbcķ ì§wèlćōm. Ýòoù àŕ v àĺiđđ . Aď apŕeçcììtèďd,.