I’m almost tempted to never again raise the issue with Merk, just to continue seeing all these photos!
Oh no! You must resist this temptation at all costs, Dannii, or else we could end up waiting around a long time for a logo…
Nice idea — use the coin. What number’s yours? (I have 1870.)
And who is that disoriented-yet-extremely-handsome-looking dude on the right?
I’m tempted to take a screenshot of this page, but I don’t know how fractal I want to get in this thread.
Wow, pretty close! I don’t know if that means we ordered close together, or Jason just processed us close together.
Now we just need to find numbers 1867, 1868, and 1869…
Is it just me, or does anyone else have that slight glimmer of hope, that each time you visit this forum the logo might have changed?
No, I lost hope about twenty posts back.
Maybe this will work,
I’m sure the logo hasn’t changed because the admins love the phpBB font so much. Here is what I propose to make the change less painful:
Even that would be better than the default.
Maybe we should just change the word we use to designate the art of interactive fiction to “phpbb”, and convince every single person to call it that? Seems like the path of least resistance…
Besides it has a pleasing sound, sort of like a brief, noncommittal raspberry.
I like the idea of that. PHPBB flows off the tongue much better than IF ever did.
Indeed. But it raises an important question. “Is CYOA phpbb?” I say yes, CYOA is definitely phpbb, but I think everything is phpbb.
I’ll ask Mike Roberts to change the IFDB domain to PHPBBDB today.
Maybe for a time it could be simply tacked onto the end, like IFDBPHPBBDB.
You know, to avoid confusion.
Seems sensible.
One reason why nothing is happening here could be because there is no general agreement as to which logo we should use. We should decide on the one logo we all want and then ask Merk to change it.
just use the favicon (of course at a bigger size )
I believe this thread has already been to that place, stayed there for a while expecting action, and then disintegrated back into varying viewpoints when there was none. Consensus has a best-before date.