Rosebush: call for articles!

With IFComp over you are no doubt falling into a black hole of not having anything IF related to write about. Well, don’t worry: The Rosebush is looking for articles!

One type of article we are very interested in is the in-depth analysis of a single work. If there’s a competition game that you want delve into a little more than you did (or would have done) in a review, writing a spoilery analysis of it for The Rosebush could be perfect.

There are many games still awaiting such a treatment, both new and old. I’d love to see someone delve into a big game like Cragne Manor, Never Gives Up Her Dead, or maybe tell us about the structure of a big ChoiceScript game. But smaller games are also good, as long as you have something to say about it.

Another genre of article we’d love to have more of are articles that compare several games, perhaps in the same genre or by the same author or dealing with the same theme. As an example, you could compare and contrast several detective games in order to discuss the question of how to make this genre work in IF.

We also publish interviews, craft articles, and articles about the history or sociology of IF. And if you have a perfect idea for something else, just contact us!

More information and submission links can be found here. But you can also ask questions by sending any of the editors a message, or just by answering in this thread!


I have a part two up my sleeve! … Should be ready whenever I get the motivation to continue looking at it. :slight_smile:


Well, we could serialize this 23-part Let’s Play of it, I think I’ve got an in…

But just wanted to second Victor’s post – there have been a fair number of “wouldn’t it be cool if the Rosebush did an article about X” posts and threads, with lots of great ideas, but the editorial staff is small (and, er, speaking personally, way behind on working on pieces we’ve thought about writing for it). So this is a great time to pitch something!