I had some trouble getting a web-playable, graphics-endabled version of my game ready in time for Spring Thing. Some of you helped me! I was glad to get it all done in time.
I wonder, now: are there alternate templates for releasing with an interpreter? By “alternate,” I’m strictly referring to appearance/layout. I think Inform 7’s solution fresh out of the box is the two-paned layout with hyperlinks on the left and the game on the right. There’s also a cover image, and a link to information about the interpreter.
If anyone can point me to any resources, I’d be very grateful.
There are a couple of alternate layouts described in this thread. Inform 7 has built-in functionality for other templates, just few people make or use them.
(Here I mean ‘easily’ in the sense that it’s creating a website from scratch with some keywords used for ‘fill in the blanks’. But if you know someone into web design or hire someone then this section might help)