Spending time on this forum, and thinking about the subject of dice rolls in video games, I came to a number of realisations or conclusions which I would like to share. If anyone wishes to do so, feel free to respond with your own findings, I’m trying to form a better mental framework on how to do justice to the mechanic.
Why do I care so much about this?
I like tabletop roleplaying games. I have tried in the past to do forum roleplaying, but it wasn’t quite the same. I missed the enforced randomness of the dice, the uncertainty that when you perform an action, the outcome is uncertain.
For a similar reason, I don’t always enjoy narrative mechanics which rely on a simple gate mechanic. Games like Pentiment, Fallout New Vegas or The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante. I enjoyed all of these, but they turn me into a bit of a powergamer. Instead of giving me the space to roleplay, I often feel like I am simply picking the options because I unlocked them, or try to optimise and read online guides what particular scores I need at what point in the game in order to pass the gates.
I like the randomness of things not always working out, but this feeling is not universal. When I played Disco Elysium, I could accept failures for skills I was bad at easy enough. However, it was the one-time checks for skills I otherwise excelled at which really bothered me. For some reason, failing a check which had a great deal of narrative weight on it, which I would normally excel at felt like I was robbed of the opportunity to make my character shine.
Now, admittedly, this has been an obsession of mine for a few years now, originally with the idea of “how can I make a cRPG feel more like a TTRPG?” and later specifically aiming at the dice rolls.
What do I think the problem is?
There are several ways of looking at this I think.
1. The matter of narrative agency
When you make a decision in both a cRPG or a TTRPG, you essentially assert you would like to see the narrative be steered in a certain way. In a TTRPG, you assert this towards the game master, who will take into account both your dice roll/check, and the narrative circumstances you have invoked. Based on this, new content is created on the spot. This content has the advantage of taking into account a great deal of things, and your assertion is in some way acknowledged. You have helped shape the narrative in some way.
However, most cRPGs simply have a pass state and a fail state. Even if you are the most genius of doctors, what will happen if you fail a Medicine check is you are (often, but not always) described as a bumbling fool, clearly without a day of medical training. I am exaggerating a bit, but this is definitely what Disco Elysium can feel like.
2. The weight of the roll
A single roll can have weight to it. Rolling a die during combat determines the outcome of one strike. It doesn’t feel so bad to fail here. A single roll during dialogue can (narratively) save the life of hundreds. If great rewards lie behind that single roll, the effect is the same: failure feels terrible.
I felt this a lot in Rogue Trader. It’s a wonderful game, but there’s quite a few good rewards, both narrative and material locked behind difficult rolls. As you can imagine, I did not always appreciate these.
So, how could this be alleviated?
There are at least a few observations I made over time, and if you have any, I would love to hear them.
1. See the dice rolls
This may sound silly, but it helps give the player buy-in to the fact there is a random element to the narrative. If the player doesn’t know there is a roll or check, the narrative can feel like it simply decided the outcome for you without consulting or informing you of this. Many games do this, and it feels like what little agency I have is not being respected as much.
2. Offer a choice between a safe option and a risky or uncertain roll
By presenting a choice, you create a level of player buy-in. They chose to attempt the roll, now they may deal with the consequences. So long as the other options also respect player agency narratively speaking this should be fine. It has to be an actual, valid option. I.e.
- Accept the offer of 100 gold
- Ask the guy for a favor instead
- [Persuasion] Try to get him to give you both
Though, if you are building a parser game, I’m sure there is some interesting narrator-esque things you can do, where the narrator will first ask you whether you wish to risk the route you are taking. This also respects the player’s agency.
3. Rerolling important checks
Not all checks are of equal weight. Some are just a flirtatious comment, the other the start or end of a relationship. I can deal with a low-weight check going awry, but a big one? If I am a charming individual, please grant me that fantasy, and let me take another shot at a 90% check.
4. Telegraph the weight of the check
This is just an errant thought while writing out point #3, but it’s something I wish many games had. Let me know how big the consequence of a check is. Not even the actual outcome, just the magnitude. It helps me decide whether to spend those precious rerolls. here, or keep them in hand.
5. Decouple the roll from the effect
Essentially, make all opportunities to roll places with no actual weight on them yet. I.e. rolls are reserved for slowly building up (narrative) currency which can be spent later during big narrative sections. Speak to the lady at the tavern daily and make a persuasion check. Then, when the day comes, she trusts you due to all your previous interactions, and you “spend” the trust or use it as a key to unlock certain dialogue.
6. Make the rewards of failure and success equal
This is a thing I realised while playing Fallen London. Failure can feel really good, if I know that I am being compensated for it. More specifically, if I am being explicitely compensated for it. Say I fail a big check and get wounds, but I also get the ‘Looks like he could use a compliment’ quality, I can then spend that quality to, for example, unlock a romance option I had been eyeing. If I know from the outset that my failure is opening a door elsewhere, it becomes easier to accept this temporary setback.
7. The temporary setback
This can be integrated into the narrative as a whole as well. I realised this playing Esoteric Ebb (and discussed this with @artmuse62 at the time). What this game does really well, is that it provides multiple solutions or outcomes to a problem. Usually the check is the most direct route, but if you fail, this doesn’t taint the narrative as much. Instead, it provides a single moment of hilarity, before the game picks you up and points you to other completely valid (and non-trolleyproblemesque) options you still have.
8. Narrative currency
This is a simple one, and often employed by TTRPGs. Failure grants you narrative currency which can be spent. The QBN system hinges the entire narrative on this, but it can also simply be implemented by granting XP or rerolls.
9. Committing to failure
If the player already commits to the fact they can fail, it becomes much easier to accept the authority of a roll. This is what I feel happens when you play a game on Ironman (single save) mode. Because you cannot go back, the outcome becomes easier to accept. Still, if the outcome is too terrible, it might just cause you to put down the game instead.
10. Picking the outcome
This ties in strongly with the narrative agency thing. Say you fail a check. Rather than having the game decide how you fail, put this choice in the hands of the player. You failed your check to fight back against the goblins? Alright, where do they hurt you? What happens now? This can even be tied in with a narrative currency system. You fail, yes. Now you get to pick an outcome. But if have failed many times before, you have enough ‘Hard Lessons’ to buy the best of these bad outcomes.
11. Randomising the narrative
By having snippets of randomised narrative, it can make the player feel like the entire world doesn’t hinge on their single roll. Instead, any failure and any success could lead to exploring new options that do not greatly affect the overall narrative. Each piece of narrative helps you build a legend surrounding yourself until you reach the more difficult, but still randomised content.
12. You are just very good at this
I don’t love automatic success thresholds, but they can be used to ensure good outcomes if you really bought into a particular skill/trait. However, you could instead put the weight on the outcome. If you are an experienced doctor, failure at a medicine check simply means very little happens. The bad stuff only happens if you are in fact, inexperienced. This way the narrative acknowledges how you built your character, while still not granting you everything.
In conclusion
These are just some options I came up with from the top of my head. What do you all think? I would love to hear your opinions!