Hi, I just found Inklewriter and started writing stories in it. Can they be shared as games on sites such as itch.io? If so, how can I do this? I am currently writing a short interactive story I hope to also post here:)
I dont’ know if inklewriter still has its own designated game repository - in the past you could click “share” and it would give you a secret URL that led to the game on their site that you could give to someone. They may not be doing that anymore, and I am guessing games compile to html now.
On itch, you can create a game page and make any file available for download and play. Ideally you want the package people download to make sense, like an html file that is played in the browser, or provide directions to run the game if necessary.
You can make a browser-playable game directly playable from itch.
See itch’s instructions on uploading a browser-playable game.
Besides the version you designate as browser-playable, you can also upload other versions or support files that the player can download separately.
I must warn that itch°io is extremely nosy and always itching for personal data, and I (and other people with serious OS and browser configurations) can’t play games hosted on that site.
I warmly suggest to give good consideration to the the good ol’ IF archive for publishing your work.
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.
Is this true?
I discovered that the often protracted login process was due to google intervention. You know, the fire hydrants etc. At one point i just couldn’t login at all.
I asked itch if they could put a bypass on my account. and they did!
Are you playing games without registering? You must create an account to host games, and this would be the easiest process if you’re playing a lot as well. I just log in normally - actually the browser remembers me so I rarely even have to.
If a game is set up for web play, for free, you can play it without logging into Itch. You don’t have to provide any personal data. You can play in a private-mode browser window if you like.
If the game is for purchase, then obviously you have to log in to pay for it.
Zarf, web play w/o logging on that site absolutely don’t work for me. If needed, I can provide screenshots.
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.
Itch has never asked me for any data after I signed up (and it was years ago when I joined, but I don’t recall being asked anything weird or overly personal), and it only sends me the emails I ask it for. I’m surprised to hear you say this, because I find Itch to be remarkably unobtrusive, and I’m very finicky about websites asking me for information.
Screen shots would not do me or you any good, but a regular Safari or Chrome incognito window works fine for playing (e.g.) The Dreamhold by zarf or Slime Stretch by Draknek & Friends . I am doing it right now.
It’s possible that there’s some browser setting that breaks itch’s use of iframes (which it uses to sandbox the game’s JS browser context from Itch’s – that prevents information leakage). That has nothing to do with logging in, though.
A traditional problem, discussed here previously, is that if you’ve disabled third-party cookies in your browser, many works (particularly Twine and Adventuron, but other systems too) fail with cryptic error messages or just with a blank screen.
The easiest current workaround I know of for that one (in desktop Firefox at least) is to right-click over the playing area, and choose This Frame > Show Only This Frame.
(Anyway, this is all a massive derail from the original poster’s question. Maybe it should be split to its own topic.)
let’s close the derailment, JTN’s solution of the immediate issue (playing on itchio) surprisingly works.
For the record, I use the old but still solid combination Linux+Firefox+noscript+adblock reinforced by really few sites authorised to use kookies (this site, IFcomp, and generally all IFTF-related sites, for example; this allowed me to judge twine games on IFComp site)
Thanks, JTN, and
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.
Unfortunately NoScript clashes with some features of itch/io; not sure what’s going on, but I had to give it up and just use UBlock Origin Lite to get rid of breakage+slowness. Worth a try if you experience any more issues.