after the major criticism on written english and proofreading along three comps, I’m seriously assessing if is best or not changing the testing programme for Isekai.
That is, instead of a final public testing of the release candidate, I’m assessing releasing first a final public alpha test release in the last two month of this year (2024), followed by a final beta test release after the next IFComp (2025), then the already-planned final RC test after the IFComp 2026.
What held me to switch into this programme is that, albeit largely incomplete, there will be spoilers, and I dislike the taste of “installments” this procedure carries.
But the advantage of the “might army of proofreaders” noted in the reviews is not only considerable, but also necessary, as the twin fiasco during the last pair of the IFComp shows painfully.
So, there’s two conflicting instances; on one side delivering a finished, enjoyable story, on the other story, parcelising that story in multiple partial installments can easily ruin the final, complete story
OTOH the, let’s call it uncommon, nature of the story, narration & setting creates a bias in the interest of prospective close ßtesters, attracting testers very inclined to being favorable and/or appreciating said uncommon nature (that is, not only the “scientific research” ) of the work. And the constructive criticism in both IFComps (and the backgarden) shows that, albeit without compromising my narrative, something should be done ecumenically toward different tastes. and this requirement needs an open & public testing.
So many pros and cons, so I ask request for comments on this issue, whose I think is of interest for other authors, even those of mothertongue english.
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.