Printed copy of Inform 7 Handbook available

I used Lulu to print out the Inform 7 Handbook by Jim Aikin for my daughter and me recently. They made a mistake and printed it black and white to begin with, then sent a free colour copy - so I have a spare printed copy!

It’s in decent condition (Amazon would call it “very good” or maybe “good” - it has notes in the margin of one of the pages and the cover isn’t pristine). If anybody would like it then please let me know. The postage would be £2.95 second class within the UK.


This will be going to a good home tomorrow!


Delighted to learn people still find this useful.


Yes, it is a great book. Thanks for writing it. I didn’t notice anything that didn’t work with the current version of Inform 7 (though I could have failed to notice some things).

I went back to this topic to apologise publicly to the fellow who paid for the postage for me to send this book. I found it still on my shelf tonight! It’s back on my desk and will definitely get sent tomorrow. Maybe not on time for Christmas though.

How did you get a printed copy from Lulu?

Thanks, Jeff

Lulu will print anything if you pay them enough :slight_smile:

I would like to think Jim Aiken gets a profit from the printing.

That’s a nice idea but getting Lulu to print something is a bit like printing it at home, except they can do it in colour and stick the pages together.

If Jim had a printed version for sale I’d have bought it, so maybe that’s an idea for the future.

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I also converted Writing with Inform and the Recipe Book to the same style (Times New Roman for text, Arial for examples - two volumes of A4 each). I could share the PDFs here but, as with Jim’s book, was reluctant to share the Lulu links in case anyone suspected I was making a profit out of it.


I didn’t think to convert to Times New Roman font. That would be better. Out of interest, I checked pricing at Lulu. The price estimate to print the existing 6x9" pdf was about $25 plus shipping. That is cheaper than printing myself. I have personally printed the TADS 3 Getting Started and placed it in a 3 ring binder. The printed version of the I6 texts are still available on Amazon. I have those.

Thank you

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I’ve used Lulu before, they’re great! Decent prices and pretty good print and binding quality.

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I think it’s now clear that you’re not, so I’d be interested in seeing the PDFs and the Lulu links if you’re still willing to share them.


I’ll set up a separate Lulu account for this and add the books (at cost price) and PDFs. I can’t guarantee to do it before Christmas though! It’s easy to work out what cost price is, so it can be fully transparent. I would be happy to hand over the login information to the moderators here.

I’m sure that the Creative Commons licence under which the Inform 7 Handbook is published would allow for this, but I need to check the wording to see how exactly to comply. Does this sound OK @Jim_Aikin?

The Inform Recipe Book mentions “the Inform licence” but I can’t find any details of this - does anyone have any information? Does it apply to the whole documentation or just the examples? I’ve seen the documentation reproduced long-term on at least one website so imagine non-profit reproduction is unproblematic.


It’s fine with me. As long as you’re not making a profit from the hard copies, you can do what you like. The one thing you should perhaps be aware of, if you’re planning to print it, is that all of the nice photo images of stuff (the pen on the opening page, the picture of Mr. Potato Head, etc.) are illegal. That fact is, I believe, mentioned in the Foreword. I have never sought rights to those images, and wouldn’t know where to begin. I went to some trouble to get the layout to wrap around the images in a nice way, so if you delete the images you may have some fun reformatting the layout. Or just take your chances and print the silly thing as is – no one will ever know.


That’s great thanks. Yes, you state that the images were “harvested in a frenzy of lawbreaking from various websites” but offer to remove them if anyone objects. If nobody has minded these last five years I’m sure it will continue to be fine :slight_smile:

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With apologies for the delay, here is a Lulu link to purchase Jim Aikin’s Inform 7 Handbook in paperback format.

I set the price so that there is £0 profit. You can confirm this on Lulu’s pricing page and using the following information: print book; A4 size; 317 pages; colour standard; 60# white; paperback; glossy.

Thanks @Jim_Aikin for agreeing to this. I’m sure that people will find it useful.


Thank you very much. I’ve just ordered me a copy :grinning:


Very nice! I have one ordered.


I received my copy of Jim Aikin’s I7 Handbook today. It is a very nice printing, in color, on A4 large format size. A very good value.


Yup, got mine today too, and very pleased with it. I’m excited to read it in this format afresh, and to spur on my game writing.