ParserComp 2023 - final few hours before the deadline!

Thanks. There are quite a few of us working on it these days.


It seems scarcely credible but please, suspend your disbelief when we tell you that ParserComp 2023 submissions are now open!

It’s been a frantic few weeks here at ParserComp HQ, preparing for this year’s competition. We’ve dusted the lampshades, polished the silverware, reanimated the cat, and whisked the tarpaulin off Sandra on the front desk; @fos1 has fitted new valves to the supercomputer and @ChristopherMerriner has made several rounds of toast, all in readiness for the crop of exceptional, exquisite and altogether extraordinary parser games that we’re quite confident are headed our way.

The good news here is that if your long-finished, extensively-tested and highly-polished parser game is weighing heavy on your conscience you can get it off your chest by submitting it to the competition right now. Alternatively, feel free spend the remaining 60ish days putting those finishing touches to your magnum opuses (or, you know, frantically writing them from scratch because you’ve just remembered that this is happening) and then submit them just seconds before the deadline of 11:59pm on 30 June 2023.

We simply can’t wait to see what comes our way!

fos1 & Christopher


Woohoo! Looking forward to playing all the games! Thanks for setting this up!


Yay for ParserComp!


Okay, I’ve officially broken ground on my game starting with X I’ve referenced in other topics! I put it on the back shelf for a few months, figuring if it was terrible, I wouldn’t be looking forward to working on it.

I am looking forward to working on it. That doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t be terrible, of course. But one can, should and must dream.


Good deal. I am looking forward to playing “X”.


In Xanadu did Andrew Schultz
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.


Ah yes Garry … I may not be able to write like Coleridge, but if a big chunk of my game is missing*, darned if I won’t blame my very own Man from Porlock!

Heck, I can blame him anyway, for that brilliant passage that should’ve been in the game but wasn’t.

* (It won’t be. Or if it is, then yeah, I save it for IFComp.)


I have received the Award Trophies and one of the brass plates. (I only ordered one plate first to make sure it was suitable.) I think it will look great when the plate is affixed.


Hey, I tried submitting a game and got this:
I do NOT give permission for my game to be archived in IF Archive and made available via the Interactive Fiction Database for future generations of IF players to enjoy.

This had to be clicked before I submitted. Is this correct? Sorry for the question.


Hi, no that’s not right - there should be an optional tick there, not a mandatory! Will have to have a look at the settings and see what I’ve done wrong.

Honestly, @fos1 gave me one job and I screwed it up. Should have got Sandra to do it instead.


Now fixed! You should be able to submit without having to tick the opt out now; let me know if it doesn’t work. Thanks for spotting that…

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I just verified by submitting a game a couple of times with different parameters.

ParserComp - Smooooth… :wink:


I mean, we’re always doing it wrong but we’re doing it wrong with panache.


Boy oh boy. I now feel totally justified when, after the first bug people find in my entry, I go off the deep end into severely bad-faith whataboutism.

I’m planning my far-too-long forum post out already!

(Seriously, there’s some comfort in knowing I’m not the only person with programming oversights. And good job all catching it now and not later.)


Dear Friends

Please take the precaution of being seated in a comfortable chair and having brandy on-hand before I drop into your laps the bombshell that there is only 1 month remaining before the ParserComp submission deadline!

Here at ParserComp HQ, the excitement has reached such a pitch as to be at the limits of what the human frame can endure and indeed, the feverish chatter about what this year’s competition holds in store has spread all across the district. @fos1 and I have heard little else being discussed around our regular haunts (the local pub, the lending library, the naturist bowling club) and there seems to be no end of speculation about what will be submitted by whom, and when! With two bona-fide submissions received already and an entire month still to go, literally anything could happen between now and the closing date of June 30th 2023, 11:59pm (up to and including receiving merely two entries). We therefore suggest that all committed participants, would-be participants, idle bystanders, family and pets get their collective skates on and spend the remaining precious time writing, coding, applying liberal quantities of spit, and polishing their games into such a state as to satisfy our extremely discerning judges. Who amongst you will be bestowed with the unique good fortune of holding aloft the legendary, much coveted and remarkably sexy 24 karat solid gold* lamp trophy? Only time will tell.

See you all on the other side of the deadline!

Fos1 & Christopher

[*actual Au content may vary depending on transmutational efficacy of spells contained in Key of Solomon].


Another year, another wish-I-had-time-for-this apology…


I’m afraid I’m joining Mr Ziegler apologies :confused:

I have been working a bit in the second installment ot Gent Stickman’s saga, but I will have no time to bring it to life for this Parser Comp 2023 because, you now, life and so.

I’m not reading too much comments about other people working on their games for this comp, but I will suppose that they are working very hard on them and don’t want to give clues about their masterpieces. I will stay here bitting my nails until the deadline @.@


Well, I’m submitting a game. I wrote most of a 2-player parser game last year and then put it on the back burner while I did other projects, and now I’m finishing it, so everyone can expect that.


Also, @Warrigal has signed up, so things are getting serious!