Off-topic video games thread

I bought Dissembler for Tom and he loved it, and so did I. It’s a tile-flipping color-matching game, which normally I get bored with, but this one hooked me and I raced through the whole thing in record time. The learning curve was perfect. I almost never keep sound on during games, and I turned the music off here, too, but left the very satisfying flipping sound effect on. If you’re looking for a storyless puzzle game with a simple mechanism and a lovely look, I recommend this.

Also just played Fire Maple’s new p&c game Crookhaven. I like these games because they have huge maps, good graphics, and the puzzles aren’t really hard, so when I’m not feeling at peak mental performance, these games are perfect distractions. They’re about as close as you can get in a purely graphical video game (with some text story) to being IF, IMO.


Finished playing through Halo: Reach today. It’s been one of my favorites in the series for a while but I won’t lie, I think it’s just my favorite now (with Halo 2 close behind), at least in terms of the campaign. The story, the characters, the atmosphere… Just great. It’s just a well-done tragedy, and I’m a big fan of it.


Been really into StarCraft: Brood War lately. My brain tries to blue-screen when I play it, but I can analyze and understand why stuff works and why other stuff doesn’t when watching replays from other players.

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I just pre-ordered the new Glitch Games game, Recursion, which will release on March 11. I am counting down the minutes, because I love Glitch so so much-- one of my top 10 developers. The games are all P & C puzzle/adventure games, can be quite difficult, and give you a lot of bang for your buck. If you haven’t played any, I recommend starting with the Forever Lost trilogy.


My sisters are making me play Warframe with them. It’s very hard for me. I don’t understand games where I have to move fast and kill things, especially in multi-player. I am old.


The last time I played a multiplayer shooter was Bungie’s Marathon with networked Macintosh computers.


Soon after that, I started yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

Bungie was the best game developer on Mac and was single-handedly keeping gaming alive on that platform for many years in the 90s. Mac users were feverishly waiting for Halo, knowing that the second coming was inevitable… then Microsoft bought them and released Halo as an XBox exclusive. Fuckers.


I play through the Midnight Scenes, a series of short, point-and-click adventures with pixel art graphics. The entire series is done in style of The Twilight Zone, with strange and creepy stories. Games are created by Octavi Navarro, Spanish pixel artist and game developer.

I really like the games so far.


I should have been working on my Spring Thing entry this weekend, but instead I blinked and ended up 25 hours through FF7: Rebirth.

I thought Remake was just okay, but Rebirth essentially made every single thing I didn’t like about it better. Hell of a game. Hope we get Queen’s Blood in some standalone form.


I play through the Midnight Scenes, a series of short, point-and-click adventures with pixel art graphics. The entire series is done in style of The Twilight Zone, with strange and creepy stories. Games are created by Octavi Navarro, Spanish pixel artist and game developer.

I got those as part of the Ukraine bundle and enjoyed them. It’s kind of funny that monochrome games are so rare…this is certainly a justified use for it.


I started playing Firewatch, which I knew of as a first-person walking simulator, so I was surprised to find it had a whole prologue section that is essentially choice-based IF. Looking into it, I see some of the devs got their start as writers for The Walking Dead, so maybe that’s where the influence comes from, but honestly the interaction style felt less like that and more like a Twine game to me.

Another thing I was surprised to learn is that after that point, 90% of the gameplay is just orienteering, which I was always terrible at in Girl Scouts and am not much better at digitally, even with a map that shows your current location. Oops. The narrative is interesting, though, so I will soldier on even as I repeatedly get lost in the underbrush.


That’s what everybody said at the time, yeah. It was deliberately riffing on the Twine format.


Spent last night writing and editing an article about a recent visual novel-parser hybrid adventure game about teenagers against heteronormativity:

It’s a wild visual novel and I hope it gets translated into English soon because I think a lot of people will find value in it.


Two really good fan games just came out.

One is the little-known Pokemon Reloaded, which uses real-time arena battles instead of turn-based battles. In other words, it’s an action RPG.

I played an earlier version about five years ago, which was already very complete. After years of development it’s finally finished. It’s in Spanish but there’s an English option in the menu.

The other is Dr Robotnik’s Ring Racers, a follow up to Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart.

It’s quite different from most kart racers … it seems to have a bit of Sonic Riders in it, with a trick system and ring-management based boosting (similar to air management, if you’ve played Sonic Riders).

Some of the course design is a bit unforgiving but I’m enjoying it so far.


Back in February, I spent a couple days implementing a computer version of one of my favorite solitaire games: Penguin by David Parlett. It’s a variant on Eight Off or Baker’s Game, one of those perfect-information games where you lay out the whole deck face-up.

But most of that family of games are either boringly easy or they’re rarely winnable. This one comes out at least three quarters of the time, but it requires quite a bit of thinking and planning before you start moving. Certainly not everyone’s cup of tea but I like it.

It has been two and a half months and it’s amazing how much more I play this game when I don’t have to shuffle and lay out a full deck of cards by hand. I love being able to just sit down and code stuff like this.


I’ve been thinking about playing a Final Fantasy (singular, kind of like how Lucille Bluth tells her kids to go and see a Star War).

Does anyone have any recommendations?

I’m interested in FF7’s story but unsure whether to go with the remake or original version. I don’t really like turn-based JRPG combat to begin with, but I’m not sure the modernized combat is worthwhile when I could just mod the original to let me win everything and treat it like a graphic adventure game.

On another note, I really like tactics/strategy RPGs so I was kind of interested in FF12’s programmable real-time combat system … it’s not exactly the same as the logic of grid-based combat uses but it sounds like the sort of logic I can work with.

I don’t play many JRPGs. For the record my favourite Square combat system is the one in Parasite Eve … which is mostly unique, but does that give anyone ideas?

i’d say to go with ffxii. which version, is the real question. the zodiac age seems to be more of a challenge compared to vanilla as far as getting through battles unscathed. people seem to praise the battle system for this game but to me, the addition of the second licenseboard, leads to more frustration than satisfaction.

i have played through the vanilla version an embarrassing number of times, and despite a few bottlenecks to leveling about a third of the way through, i don’t think it’s really all that difficult in comparison. there’s plenty of jokes about ffxii and star wars but i’ll spare you since i barely remember anything about star wars.

the dialogue and voice acting are a treat for this one ( and not for comedic reasons ). as someone who cannot be sane about this game, i think you should play through it for the atmosphere and setting and if you’re into the drama of military blustering while outlaws overthrow the government, then it might be your thing.

if you’re going to play any final fantasy in my opinion, it might as well be xii. it’s recent enough to where you don’t have to adjust your eyes to the graphical situation or install mods in order to not deal with how ( badly ) vii has aged, and if you decide to emulate you can see the absolute splendor of the ps2 graphics taken to a pretty high level.

again, i am not normal about this game. it hits all of my buttons and i played it at a very impressionable time in my youth. nostalgia aside tho, if you want to spend about 40-50 hours hitting things and diving into the lore of ivalice with a decent cast of characters then this game should hit the spot.

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I looked into it some more … the adjustable battle speed really sells me on FF12.
It usually takes me three times longer to get through a game than the HLTB estimate so anything to cut that down helps.

I’m not completely sold on the story compared to FF6 though.

you don’t have to adjust your eyes to the graphical situation or install mods in order to not deal with how ( badly ) vii has aged

I really like FF6 7’s original graphical style and I would be satisfied with nothing more than a CRT filter through Reshade, probably. It’s just the battle system that I’m wary of.

Regardless of which I go with…thanks for the recommendation!

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I haven’t played it myself yet (I have it on my radar), but from what I’ve read, the FFVI Pixel Remaster could be what you’re looking for. It keeps the graphical style of the original and adds options like cash and EXP multipliers or disabling random encounters, so you could just ignore most of the battles if you don’t enjoy the combat system. I kind of liked combat in FFVI with different special abilities of the characters and the large cast to choose from, but I enjoy turn-based jRPGs in general. (I still prefer the Materia system of the original FFVII though, you can pull off some pretty ridiculous stuff with it later in the game, which is completely unnecessary as the enemies aren’t that difficult, but is just FUN. RIP Hojo when I put like 6 mastered Counter Attack materias and a Ribbon on Cloud…). Oh, and the Switch version of FFVII (and probably the Steam one, too?) also have the option to disable encounters, speed up the game etc. (I don’t remember if there are EXP multipliers).

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I used to be a gamer, but then I took a metaphorical arrow to the eye. [/sorry attempt to be clever with old meme from a franchise I’ve never played).

But yeah, I gamed a lot back when I had a working eye, but after my good retina detached in 2012, I’ve done a lot less gaming. It’s just so hard to find games a blind person can play without saintly patience, and even when other blind people say a game is playable or accessible, both terms that can be highly subjective, it’s hard to convince one self it’s worth dropping money on a game you can’t be positive won’t be a total pain in the anatomy to play, much more so convince oneself that dropping a few hundred on new hardware will grant access to enough blind playable games.

Anyways, some games I miss playing include:

Legend of Zelda

Also, I could be a bit of a completionist as well… in Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness, I had gotten to over 90% on the item record… and to put that in perspective, The first Disgaea game has 8 classes of weapon(Fists, Swords, Spears, Bows, Axes, Guns, Staves, and Monster weapons) along with Armor and a few miscellaneous categories… and there are 40 ranks of weapon for each weapon class, 40 ranks of armor, 10 ranks each of HP healling, SP(the game’s magic energy) healing and Combo HP/SP healing item along with a few other classes of item, and nearly every item in the game comes in three rarities, Common(7/8 chance of an item being common), Rare(3/32 chance of an item being rare) and Legendary(1/32 chance of an item being Legendary) and the in-game check list has separate check boxes for each rarity of every item… and while a lot of these can be purchased from the store in the game’s hub and the store displays a new icon on items not yet checked off, the store maxes out at like Rank 35 for weaspons and armor and like 7 or 8 for healing and miscellaneous items and some of the highest rank items can only be obtained by delving into the Item World of a high rank item, with the Item World being a randomly generated dungeon you can only exit after clearing 10 floors unless you have a special consumable in your inventory and the rarity of the item determining how deep you can go(Commons have 30 floors, Rares 60, and Legendary items 100) and where the strength of enemies grows stronger the higher the item’s rank and the deeper you go. In particular, the Rank 40 weapons can only be obtained by diving into a Legendary Rank 39 or 40 weapon of the same class, reaching floor 100 and stealing it from the Item God who acts as the final boss of the Item world and which is based off the strongest class of generic unit in the game… and stealling an enemy unit’s equipment requires expendible hand items with the chance being based on the stats of the hand item and the enemy’s strength, and unless the unit doing the stealing is of the thief class, the success rate caps at 50% and even for thieves, there’s always at least a 1% chance of failure… and the only gauranteed way of having a shot at a Legendary Rank 39 weapon with a few exceptions is to steal it from the Item God on Floor 100 of a legendary Rank 38 weapon of hte same class(every Legendary rarity item has an Item God on floor 100 and they always hold a legendary version of the next item in the same series) Oh, and I logged over 400 hours in Disgaea Afternoon of Darknesss… and its a game where you have to reload your last save whenever you get a game over(excluding a few game overs that trigger a bad end and a new game plus)plus there are other items that can only be obtained through stealing from specific bosses, some of which you only get one shot at per game cycle and have to go through a significant part of the game’s main story to get another shot at(the boss of the seventh or eighth of the story’s 13 or so chapters is just a generic zombie, but it’s equipped with three unique items found nowhere else in the game and whicch all have the common,rare, and legendary variants(so you have to play through roughly 2/3rds of the story at least three times to get all of them, and the chances of all three being rare or legendary on a single playthrough is 1-512 and the chances of all three being legendary is 1 in over 32 thousand… Granted, there are at least 3 or 4 endings that require playing the game all the way to the end of the story, but still.

Also, I got a 370+ pokedex in Gen 3 Pokemon without any gamecube games and no cheating beyond using warp codes to get to Naval Rock, birth Island, and Far Away Island… I was missing two Johto Starter lines, Celebi and Jirachi, and maybe one of the Johto Beasts(can’t recall if I ever went through a second playthrough of LeafGreen to get the Third, but I beat both FireRed and ELafGreen to get two and between the 5 GBA games, I got everything catachable.

On the Challenge run, I also got most of my Gen 3 collection caught in Premier Balls… then played Gens 4 and 5 using nothing but Premier balls. It’s a challenge because premier balls have the same catch rate as a normal pokeball, but to get a premier ball, you have to buy normal pokeballs 10 at a time, so if you resell the pokeballs, a premier bll is effectively five times the price of a normal pokeball. As such, staying well stocked with Premier balls, places a limit on your purchasing power prior to reaching the point where you can effortlessly farm money and you tend to go through them quicker once reaching the point where the game expects you to be using great, ultra, and specialty balls… and catching legendaries in premier balls can be tedious… especially when it comes to legendaries where you have to catch or defeat it to continue the story… and when catching a mon in a premier ball wasn’t possible, I went for the lowest level ball possible(which often meant breeding one offs I caught before I started my premier ball challenge to get a version in a pokeball).


@agat I still prefer the Materia system of the original FFVII though, you can pull off some pretty ridiculous stuff with it later in the game, which is completely unnecessary as the enemies aren’t that difficult, but is just FUN

Combined with the limit break system it sounds pretty approachable for someone who isn’t too familiar with JRPGs. It’s more in my budget than FF12 too.

@Mewtamer Welcome to the forums! There was a thread last year about audio games … you might be interested in it.