I’ve updated my history book Learning from the Best of Text to include acknowledgements and have released it on Github here:
Due to popular demand, a ‘chicago’ version has been added in pdf, epub, and docx formats that uses that author name and year for citations. The original version with superscript APA-style citations is also available.
Thanks to everyone who helped this!
This was funded by a grant from the IFTF:
I realize that IFComp is still ongoing, so I don’t expect anyone to drop everything and check it out now, but I’m so grateful to the funding of the IFTF (and to those who donated), and to the many proofreaders. I wanted to publish it now to fulfill my responsibility to the IFTF in a prompt manner.
I did most of the fun parts 5 years ago but dreaded the large amount of work left to make this publishable, so this would not have been completed without the community assistance I received.
While I’m not planning any changes any time soon, I’m happy to record any typos or errors found.
Curiously, are you planning to update in 4 or so years with the newer IFComps and XYZZYs? (Speaking of which, I know it’s IFComp but I haven’t heard much about the XYZZYs recently…)
Goodness, I need to open my eyes and ears more; I’d missed this announcement. I don’t know when I’ll have the time to read this tome, but I’ll certainly try. Fwiw, I recently replayed The Magic Toyshop (1995) and geez, that game didn’t age well. I did catch the Curses ref when it showed up, but only because I remembered enough from my walkthrough of it. I did NOT pick up on every Trinity ref I needed, even though I’ve also written a walkthrough for that game too.
I wanted to check something in this book and found it really hard to find online, so in addition to Github I’ve posted it here:
I haven’t made any changes. I have been sent some changes to make but haven’t actually made them yet, since I’m waiting to build up a larger set of changes.
Hi @mathbrush, I haven’t been checking in here much lately so I somehow missed this. What an amazing achievement! Thanks for the mention, and I look forward to reading the book in full!
Just a little addendum to this – reviews on itch can’t be seen by anyone but the creator. Seems bizarre to me, but I’m saying, don’t bother writing a review that might help someone other than @mathbrush… because the only person who can read your review is mathbrush
I discovered this after writing a review. And I could only do that after I used Brave browser’s ‘force paste’ feature to overcome a bug in the comment text entry window code that prevents you from pasting anything. A bug people have been complaining about for years