MQBN 1.5 released

I’ve now released version 1.5 of Mouse QBN (MQBN), the Sugarcube storylet extension.

Version 1.5. has some breaking changes around how Sequences are handled compared to 1.4, and also introduces an entirely new syntax for declaring storylets on passages (using <<storylet>>) and a simple twinescript condition type.

  • Sequences have been internally reworked to no longer depend on setup values
  • The tws (twinescript) condition type has been added
  • The <<storylet>> macro now has shortcut forms to make storylets easier to define
  • The <<storyletscan>> macro no-longer takes a store as an argument
  • The <<storyletinclude>> macro has been added as a companion to <<include>>

The tutorial has also been updated to mention the new syntax.