I’d like to insert some (VERY MILD) locker room jokes in my next game.
It probably won’t be possible in a few days (i.e. by December 29th) but I might insert the best ones in a future release.
Anyone who wants to participate write them below. Let’s try to be HEALTHY and not linger too much on dirty things. Just enough to be funny, but trying not to offend (too much) the sensibilities of others.
The presence of jokes will be indicated in the content warning at the beginning of the game.
Those who participate should sign the joke with the nickname/name they want to be present in the game.
Have fun!
PS: The best jokes will be chosen at MY sole discretion (unless I decide for a poll, we’ll see…). However, I have space issues, so please don’t be offended if I don’t choose you. Assuming someone participates, of course.
Yes of course. I thought it was a common way to describe jokes (usually) between cis males in a locker room at the gym. So, probably, a tiny misogynistic but I don’t want to be rude. So something very mild. Please behave
Consider the game is set in 1945. But I’d like to use modern moderation on it, if it’s possible at all given the premise.
I think most people on this forum eliminated situations that would put them in locker rooms (eg gym, PE, sports) as early in life as they could. What I’m saying is; I did!
Maybe you can watch those videos of old Silvio Berlusconi channels for inspiration
“At least we don’t have to issue a baseball bat for Joel if a slight breeze is blowing…”
[highbrow phrasing of a dick-size/erection joke]
The whole “locker room talk” thing is guys will brag in gendered privacy about their romantic conquests which may or may not be true - usually in high school or sports locker rooms among a team or workplace co-workers bullying each other with differing levels of joking or severity. It’s usually not a thing men engage in past college specifically in a locker room - although my dad worked at a refinery and apparently they were all about racist/sexist jokes that are only reserved for locker rooms where they’re comfortable with each other and know they won’t be held to task.
One suggestion if it fits your game - if the “locker room talk” is atmosphere barks, you could have it be overheard fragments so that the vulgarity is implied rather than directly expressed. That way you don’t need jokes, you can make up outrageous sounding partial jokes and not have to make them actually make sense or be funny:
Implied vulgarity....
“Didja hear the one about the priest, the Greenpeace activist, and Jerry Springer?”
“So five sorority sisters, four brunette and one blonde, are on a plane with only four parachutes…”
“A Belgian nun walks into a bar…”
“I said ‘does the hallway runner match the drapes?’ Har!'”
“…five frat bros playing hide the cracker…”
“…if we can find my car, we can drive out of here!”
“…Richard Nixon, Elon Musk and Donald Trump are all stranded on a desert island…”
“…‘But I didn’t call for two plumbers!’”
“…‘hung Lad from Nantucket…’”
“…said ‘Well, I experimented in college.’ He replied ‘Well, if that’s experimentation…’”
“…so the genie reduced his leg length to three inches!”
“…‘where you were planning to store that zucchini during this transatlantic flight…’”
“…a bus full of lawyers headed for a cliff…”
“…only if he goes in head-first!”
“…no, the hedge-clippers are for my wife…”
“…It actually says ‘Welcome to Baltimore, have a nice day!’”
A man has sex with a busy sex worker and he disappears inside. He finds another man and suggests they team up to escape. The man says “Just help me find my car keys and we can drive out of here.”
A man rubs a lamp and summons a genie who grants him a wish. He wishes that his penis would “drag in the sands of the Sahara.” So the genie immediately shortened his legs.
One other suggestion if it fits style, the locker room jokes could sound really dirty in the build up but expressly be not dirty:
Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Your stepmom!
My stepmom who?
Your step mom who dropped by to say you’re a weiner-head! [uproarious laughter]
Seconding this. I don’t really have experience with this kind of humor, but Hanon’s implied jokes gave me (what I imagine is) exactly the right impression.
Honestly works better the other way around—“why is it that when a man sleeps with a bunch of women, he’s a ‘stud’ or a ‘player’, but when I do that, I’m a ‘lesbian’?!”—but it sounds like the goal here is a male speaker and audience.