@Kastel, thank you for your review of my game. The Single Choice Jam inspired me to try to tell a story in the way the game presents it, and make the player participate in it. I hoped the momentum of the story would be strong enough to pull the player in and maybe forget they are being pulled along, and just enjoy the story.
@JoeyAcrimonious, I became aware of Treasures of a Slaver’s Kingdom a few weeks after I started writing my story and building a game engine to run it. I wanted to create a game for the Single Choice Jam and wanted to use a limited verb set (instead of the 70+ verbs Inform7 has by default), to avoid the “verb hunting” which might ensue if I would stick to the default, slowing down the game progress for the player and losing momentum. I discussed it here:
In fact the very existence of this game almost caused me to abandon the entire project. If I had known of it beforehand, I might have picked a different theme instead of the swords and sorcery theme I used here. Instead I chose to take it in as a coincidence and borrowed its help menu style for my own help menu. That is the only influence it had on my game.
The only Conan-related game I was aware of which also has a more or less linear storyline is The Tower of the Elephant - Details (ifdb.org), based on another Conan short story by Robert E. Howard.