Are the authors/works that claimed their IntroComp prizes for completing works within a year acknowledged or documented anywhere?
I think I’ve got a decent handle on the works that were completed at all (cf previous topic) – IntroComp on IFWiki had a list (which I’ve updated); I’ve noted completion on individual comps’ IFWiki pages; and I’ve populated the IFDB tag “IntroComp completed”, for a total of 19 works (not counting the one that became a short story). From publication dates, one could infer the subset of those that were eligible to claim their prize.
But I haven’t ever seen official shouting-from-rooftops from the organisers when they actually awarded a prize. (The IntroComp website for a given year doesn’t hang around, unlike e.g. IFComp’s, so there isn’t anywhere obvious to put it, for a start.) Have I missed it?
(Incidentally, as part of updating IntroComp stuff, I’ve populated the IFDB tag “IntroComp” with, I think, every IntroComp game that’s currently on IFDB. Might be useful to people who want to filter out incomplete IntroComp works, similar to Speed-IF; but if so, you probably want not to filter out works which also have tag “IntroComp completed”.)