IFComp Review Threads By Game?

Another potential way to go: Post your review in the game thread with other reviews or wherever you want it for discussion. Then create your “All Reviews by…” index post linking to all of your reviews and place a link to each other message where you review a game with any additional commentary in between.

In the post where you reviewed the game, click the link icon and copy the URL and paste it on its own line in your review index thread - which should one-box the link to provide a preview (unless the post you’re linking is from a private category like the author forum - in that case you’d want to quote/copy the entire thing if you want it visible.) Pretend these links are to my reviews:

That way people who want to just read Mathbrush’s reviews have them organized and can read a preview and link to wherever they are on the forum, but the review can live somewhere else where discussion about the game is taking place.