IFcomp 2018 reviews

I thought it might be nice to have a place where people could post the links to their review sites. Just add them in the comments below.

For myself, I just put up my reviews of the first five games I was able to play. I deferred a couple because they appear to require either an interpreter upgrade or a closer look below the hood of my computer, which I shan’t worry about until next week at least. The Breakfast Reviews are here: http://www.ricordius.com/ifreview.html .

That’s a slightly different URL from usual. I’ve done a bit of housecleaning on my website, and that included some playing around with the HTML of the review site. They should work on a cellphone now … sort of. So if anyone’s wondering what happened to the Breakfast Reviews, well, they’re right there.

Good idea! My blog is here.

I’m writing up stuff here: interactivephilosophy.blogspot.com

Updated! 10/7

Mine are/will be (one post up with three games so far, but the tag will show all of them) at:

Basic philosophy: I will likely not write up any games I really disliked everything about – if I wrote something about your game I’m glad you submitted it, and I don’t put my numerical ratings on my comp reviews any more, partly because I think it’s counterproductive and partly because I do curve at the end so that I’m using the full range from 1 to 10, which I know people debate about whether or not to do, but I do. I don’t expect to get time to play to all of the games but am hoping to get to at least half of them.

My main review blog post is here: brettwitty.net/creative/201 … views.html

I’ll have individual blog posts per game, as I get through them.

Update (8 Oct): Bullhockey and Dilemma reviewed.
Update (9 Oct): Bi Lines reviewed.
Update (6 Nov): The Origin of Madame Time reviewed.

I posted some of my reviews. I’ll be honest, I’m cherry-picking games because I don’t know how many I’ll get through. For the past 4 years I haven’t played more than 5 games a comp. This year I’m having fun with it, so I’m probably going to do more, but here’s the first 5 that I’ve played. ** Warning: Scores on this page ***: infodarkness.com/if/ifcomp2018.html

Thomas Dwyer played through +=x and Murder at the Manor on Twitch today: twitch.tv/videos/319175166

More reviews at this blog: xyzzysqrl.livejournal.com/567118.html

Doug Egan has reviews up here. (Well, one of them, but more might be coming.)

My reviews (short and in-depth ones) can be found at: The Good Old Days

Julius Smed has some here: kirjallinensuunnistaja.net/lokikirja/

Hi all, I’m posting some reviews here : mctreviews.video.blog/

I’ll try and get through as many as I can, but make no promises! Excited to be playing and reviewing this year!


Thanks for reviewing my game The Mouse Who Woke Up For Christmas. Sorry you have been frustrated by wetting the stone, there are a load of different phrases that can be used, but you’re not the first to have trouble with it, I’ll add some more but ‘use sponge on stone’ or ‘squeeze sponge over stone’ will work.

For the pot any of the following will work:

fill pot;put plant pot under tap;put pot under tap;put plant under tap;fill plant pot with water;fill plant pot with tap;fill pot with tap;fill plant with tap;place plant pot under tap;put plant pot on top of drain;put pot ont top of drain;put plant pot on drain;put pot on drain;fill pot with water;put water in pot

I’ve been writing notes/reviews at fumiko666.tumblr.com/tagged/ifcomp-2018-notes.

EDIT: Oops, was half asleep when I originally posted this & didn’t realise cchennn’s Tumblr had already been mentioned. But anyway, the point stands: I’ve added links from the Tumblr above to the spreadsheet, but not the wiki.

Sam Ashwell is doing in-depth reviews: heterogenoustasks.wordpress.com … comp-2018/

Hi folks!

This is my first year seriously playing and reviewing IFComp games. I’ve written up reviews for my favorite choice-based games from the competition here: datalexic.com/ifcomp-2018-reviews/

A podcast of reviews of various IF Comp 2018 games can be found at The Short Game https://player.fm/series/the-short-game-73484/ep-163-ifcomp-2018-pt-1 on Player FM.

Games discussed in episode one:
00:08:39 Alias ‘The Magpie’ by J. J. Guest
00:18:19 Animalia by Ian Michael Waddell
00:30:37 Dead Man’s Fiesta by Ed Sibley
00:36:10 LETS ROB A BANK by Bethany Nolan
00:40:42 Junior Arithmancer by Mike Spivey
00:48:24 Railways of Love by Provodnik Games
00:56:24 + = x by Chandler Groover

I should add that some of these are rather spoilery. Also, FYI, J. J. Guest is not a pseudonym!

Some reviews on this blog: