Hybrid Choices version 7 not on-line?

For uninteresting reasons, I had to recreate my extensions library recently, and I discovered that the only version of Hybrid Choices I can find via Google is version 1. The Wayback Machine archive of inform7.com has the documentation, but not the source code. I was able to find version 7 on my old machine and transfer it over, but is it not available on-line anymore?

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I can’t seem to find it online either. It wasn’t in the IDE Public Library, but was downloadable from the online I7 website extensions page before they took it down when the site was updated.

Here’s v7 if anyone else needs it.
Hybrid Choices.i7x (65.9 KB)


Sorry for bumping this dead thread: I tried to get Hybrid Choices included the public library, but I just never got a reply back and nothing came of it. This is a bit disappointing because I am quite proud of it. Actually there have been moments where I couldn’t find it myself and had to hunt for it.

Take this post as express permission for anyone to modify or update Hybrid Choices, include it in any public libraries, distributions, sell printed copies for cash etc etc. I’m not a lawyer. Do what you want with it. I only ask you remove my email from any documentation because it is unlikely I will be supporting it in the future.


People have been working on it!


There are working versions of Hybrid Choices for Inform 7 10.1 and Hybrid Choices for Inform 7 9.3/6M62 in the Friends of I7 repo.