Extremely personal and sad games

While everyone has taste–myself included–I think there’s a significant difference between not enjoying something and publicly questioning if it ought to published. Or suggesting that people should write about something other than what they wrote about.

I sometimes read posts asking why someone would share something or why does something exist as “why are the [insert vulnerable group] talking again?” I’m sure that isn’t anyone’s intent, but as thoughtful people who enjoy thinking about and discussing text, I hope it’s easy for us to see how


Could be read that way. I’m not really inviting debate here. They can be seen that way. They already have.

I also think that psychoanalyzing authors and asserting their motives with confidence is rather… condescending. Nobody really knows why authors do what they do. Sometimes even the author doesn’t know.

Finally, I haven’t finished an IF game that I didn’t like in over a year. I enjoy almost every IF experience that I have. It’s quite odd to play several entries in a jam, then publicly declare that the subject matter is a bummer, then wonder why people even share their work. It’s like saying “this cake tastes awful” while shoveling handfuls of cake in one’s mouth. It is so easy to find joy in IF, there is so much of it, more than anyone would ever play. Playing games one doesn’t like is a choice.