Personally I’m just happy I finished a game for the first time in ten years.

One more small fix. An older version of First Person was included in the original .zip file. The most recent is now in Please, if you are an author of a game and you notice anything wrong with the version posted, don’t hesitate to ask and I will ensure the best available version is up there. Just mind you kept to your three hours and all.

Thanks for all your hard work.

That’s awesome, congratulations!

I agree. Now that I think about it, I took 10+ years between being exposed to ALAN/Inform and actually writing my first game. Which is sort of the same thing (?)

Congratulations #achieve

Congratulations Dave, and to everyone else who entered! Completing something that isn’t a total mess within the time limit is definitely praiseworthy.

Now to wait for reviews… We can write reviews even if we entered, right? I know I did last year, but it’s entirely possible I was that guy being rude without realizing it.

I spent a week thinking about the game, mostly because I lacked any sort of plot. Finally I just decided to sit down and code out some rooms and props, see if a resolution would come to me. Which is exactly what happened.

Sent my late entry to Bowsmand! Hopefully it’s not too late.

And two more entries makes 19. Thanks for entering, everybody! [emote]:D[/emote]

I quite enjoyed writing my game, even if it turns out to be a total mess and everyone hates it. It’s interesting to see what you can come up with in such a short period of time.

19 entries- that’s awesome!

I’m offering a pre-judging congratulations to all of the entrants. [emote]:)[/emote]

Really, part of the reason I was able to motivate myself to do this at all was that I felt like the time limit got me off the hook as far as expectations of the game being actually good.

Hi everyone, I’d just like to say well done and good luck to all the entrants, and a big thanks to Duncan Bowsman for stepping in to run the comp during what has become a very difficult time for me.

I think my game, “Carriage Returns”, is quite simple. But if anyone needs a walk through or hints, my email address is in the splash at the start of the game.

Or you can PM me here.

With my thanks again, what an incredible Halloween! The community’s enthusiasm for Ectocomp has been humbling. Also a small note to say I updated so that it now includes a plain text scoring sheet. You do not need use the scoring sheet in order to vote. It is provided merely as a convenience. You may take as much or as little space as you like writing notes/critique/reviews about each game. Though nothing is required aside from the score, we appreciate hearing a player’s thoughts. I’ve also reproduced the scoring sheet below for those who don’t want to download the .zip file again.

Name of judge:
Author: Yes/No

Another Cliched Adventure Game (ACAG), by David Whyld [ACAG.html]

Score: /10

Candlesmoke, by Caelyn Sandel and Carolyn VanEseltine [Candlesmoke - Ectocomp.html]

Score: /10

Candy Rush Saga, by Andrew Schultz [Candy Rush Saga.zblorb]

Score: /10

Carriage Returns, by David Good [Carriage Returns.gblorb]

Score: /10

Character Creator, by Erin Gigglecreek [charactercreation.z8]

Score: /10

Choose Your Own SPOOKY Death, by Healy [CYODEATH.html]

Score: /10

City of the Living Dead, by Tanah Atkinson [CityoftheLivingDead.html]

Score: /10

Devil’s Food, by Hanon Ondricek []

Score: /10

Eclosion, by Buster Hudson [Eclosion.html]

Score: /10

First Person, by Buster Hudson [First Person.gblorb]

Score: /10

A Fly on the Wall, by Nigel Jayne [A Fly On the Wall.zblorb]

Score: /10

halloween candy triage simulator 2014 by j. marie [candysim.html]

Score: /10

IDSPISPOPD, by Christopher Brent []

Score: /10

It Is Pitch Black, by Caelyn Sandel [it-is-pitch-black.html]

Score: /10

Lime Ergot, by Rust Blight [lime.z5]

Score: /10

LISEY, by Marco Innocenti [lisey.gblorb]

Score: /10

The Voodoo You Do 2, by Marshal Tenner Winter [The Voodoo You Do 2.gblorb]

Score: /10

Wedding Day, by E. Joyce [Wedding Day.zblorb]

Score: /10

The Weird Mirror, by M.J. Antonellis [The Weird Mirror. html]

Score: /10

I am amazed and humbled by what people have accomplished in the SpeedIF form! Not quite done judging them yet, but BRAVO, participants!!!

I’m still looking forward to what there might be.

I also wanted to try to enter some of the games on IFDB, but I’ve been too lazy. Maybe we can try to do this in the next day or two, each participant adding theirs. Marshal already has.

I think we should do the IFDB entries upon the completion of judging, so the scores can be included on IFDB.

IFDB has the capacity to say “These games are part of an ongoing competition” or to list them out. We’d just all be “entrants” until placements came in. I like seeing star-ratings filter in before the comp’s end.

Plus we added everything after a few days last year.

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