Disallowing UNDO selectively for only a few commands

Well, then yup. I screwed it up. I couldn’t find it to save anything to it because I could only find that directory through the IDE.

This is why I give up on 99.9% of all computer-related things I want to do. Nothing EVER works like the directions say to do. Like, ever. Not once.

I’m going to turn to alcohol now and deal with any fallout tomorrow. Right now I feel pretty defeated.

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When you get back to things, back up that Inform directory to a USB drive or to your cloud drive of choice or anything external to your machine before doing anything else, including touching the IDE again.

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Can’t I just throw Inform away and reinstall it? I mean, all my projects are saved. That’s how I usually deal with this kind of thing. Unless that doesn’t work and then my time of using whatever that was is over.

I think that’s a good idea (reinstalling Inform) since you have never successfully installed an extension. You won’t lose any extensions.

After that, here is the extension you want (dunno why I didn’t think of just putting it in a post til now)

Undo Output Control.i7x (47.7 KB)

Get this file, double click it, say ‘yes I want to install this’ to the question. Close Inform. Reopen inform. You have the extension.



OK, threw Inform away, reinstalled, got Wade’s file, and OOOHHHMMYYGGOODD, it’s in my extensions folder. I’d buy you a drink or ten if I were in Australia. Now maybe I can try to get it to work?

I think we can all agree that that was a complete train wreck. But as I’ve said many times, it takes a village to help an idiot.

And THAT, everybody, is why you should learn to use your computer in school instead of skipping every computer-related thing to get high with your friends.


see! it’s that easy!

(I’m very sorry; I thought I could make “download this thing from over here and put it there work” without knowing OS details, but I am no match for Apple’s obfuscation engineers.)


Thank God. Now I’m going to lunch.



Tomorrow will be part deux: trying to get the thing to work. Run while you can.


I find it extremely funny in a tragic way that you are apologizing for spending all this time trying to help me. I can’t apologize for being a rock-brained Luddite because then I’d never do anything but apologize, but I’m extremely grateful to you and to everyone who chimed in to help.


Don’t mind me, I was taking a stroll through the Inform side of the city, and overheard this:

Without starting an OS fight, I’d like to highlight this:

If you can log onto this forum and write to us, then you have an appropriate level of tech literacy. I feel like this is a problem of user interface structure/design.

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That’s the nicest thing anyone’s said to me all week.

I am aware of my deficiencies, but I admit that I often think, “We send stuff to MARS, for god’s sake. Yet computers have to be THIS HARD just to download a thing?” It’s nice to be able to point the finger elsewhere legitimately.


What’s the final verdict? Did you like the story, was it an emotional journey? Were the puzzles fair?

Would you like to play the sequel “I have installed an extension, but now Inform ate my cat!”?


My favourite Inform game is “You made a change a few days ago that now means location descriptions have stopped appearing sometimes.” That one has hours of fun!


I think the important thing about making a game like this one is that all my peeps, those other tech losers out there watching, can play it and say, “Hey, it’s not so terrible if everyone sees how limited I am! Maybe it’s OK to just admit I, too, can’t install an extension.”

The elevator pitch was “Dumb & Dumber” meets “Saving Private Ryan,” and look how the execs went for it. Not sure either Zed or Wade will ever agree to produce another project like that again, but the reviews seem to be glowing so far.


To close out this exciting thread, I’ll say that contrary to the normal rules of my threads, I now have the extension working fine (except for being thwarted yet again by all my “instead ofs” stymieing the UNDO prevention) and I should have all this working as soon as I wrestle a few unpleasant conditions into obedience.

Thanks again, everyone.


…but do you feel like you could do it again with the extension from Github instead of an IntFiction link?

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Well, yeah. I’ll just poke Wade to send me a file.

Just kidding. The answer is: maybe.

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