Can we code hyperlinks with Inform? If so, how do I do so?
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The short answer is yes, but how you do it depends on the version you’re using.
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Inform 7. Thanks for your help!
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Ah, but what version of Inform 7? Do you know if it’s 6M62, for example, or version 10?
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I’m afraid I don’t know. How can I find this out?
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If you start the IDE and choose About Inform from the Help menu it should say, I think?
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Ok, now I’m confused. Because this version says 10.1.2 and I didn’t download Inform 10. But this is the version that your suggestion rendered.
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There was a recent thread on this for that version of Inform that should give you all the info you need:
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Inform 10 is a specific version of Inform 7. Yes, it’s a very weird convention.
To do hyperlinks in version 10, you’ll need Bisquixe.
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Thank you so much!
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