currently I use this for compiling i7 sources from console (command line):
inform/inform7/Tangled/inform7 -release -project <nome>.inform/
inform/inform6/Tangled/inform6 -w -G -~D '$OMIT_UNUSED_ROUTINES=1' <nome>.inform/Build/auto.inf -o <nome>.inform/Build/<nome>.ulx
the power of $OMIT_UNUSED_ROUTINES is not to be underestimated: this is my main I7 testing/messing arena:
-rw-r–r-- 1 pigi pigi 2578991 24 mag 17.47 auto.inf
-rw-r–r-- 1 pigi pigi 8452 24 mag 17.47 ‘Debug log.txt’
-rw-r–r-- 1 pigi pigi 14742489 24 mag 17.47 gameinfo.dbg
-rw-r–r-- 1 pigi pigi 588544 19 mag 22.25 gate_dojinshi.ulx
-rw-r–r-- 1 pigi pigi 747008 24 mag 17.47 output.ulx
-rw-r–r-- 1 pigi pigi 17652 24 mag 17.47 Problems.html
output.ulx is the binary from Inform7-ide and gate_dojinshi.ulx is the (admittely NOT up-to date with the source…) binary from the command line, using the two lines above in a simple shell script. as you can see, the economy is a consistent one, whose can even allow using I7 again for (small) z8 IFs, as a simple lab compiled with the commandlines above showed:
-rw-r–r-- 1 pigi pigi 527872 8 mag 11.35 lab.ulx
-rw-r–r-- 1 pigi pigi 335360 7 mag 21.09 lab.z8
(prolly the sources are a bit different, being the lab…)
oh, mag = abbreviation of Maggio, May in Italian…
I don’t have found downsides, but I’m focused on compiler/IDE bugs, and aside what reported here, I don’t have found much.
OTOH, you haven’t replied to my question: where in the hell, I can edit the commandline passed fron the ide to inform7 and inform6 ?
(hope you haven’t committed the serious mistake of hardcoding it in the IDE source… albeit is an error even Lord Inform itself committed…)
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.